Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Iron King Book Trailer!!!!!!!

OMG! Isn't it just totally gorgeous and AWESOMETASTIC!!!!!!!! I've been really excited about this book and now, who am I gonna have to kill to get it? *scans readers for potential victims*


  1. Wow that was a great trailer, better than some I've seen.

    You can order it here: http://www.eharlequin.com/storeitem.html?iid=20829

    I got my confirmation today that it was shipped out. I was surprise to see it available already.

  2. hey briana!
    i really, really like the rating system that you use! it's the most readable and understandable one I've found so far, and I was wondering: if I linked back to you (Briana's rating system, or whatever), could I use your rating system on my site?
    :D - Amelia


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