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Monday, November 23, 2009

Author Interview: Shelena Shorts

A little while back I had the honor of asking Shelena Shorts, author of The Pace, a few questions. Today I would like to share with you her answers. So everyone, here she is. Shelena Shorts! :D


The Book Pixie: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Shelena Shorts: I'm a little bit of everything. I love to keep busy, and I do a pretty good job of that! I'm a wife and a mother of three. I also work full time in the education field, and I read and write every single free minute I have! Oh, and I drink lots of coffee to keep it together. And sometimes chocolate helps too!

TBP: Give us a brief summary of your book.

SS: The Pace is a love story with a twist. Two twists actually! But primarily it is about Sophie and Weston and the challenges they face with who he is and being together forever. I'm a sucker for a love story to root for, so that is the premise, but I'm also a fan of creativity and thinking outside the box, so there is a unique element that makes Weston and their bond like no other.

TBP: What is it you love most about writing?

SS: My absolute favorite thing about writing is being able to read a story that I actually have a say in how it turns out! So cool, until I start fighting with the characters in my head about what I want vs. what they want. Then not so cool! LOL.

TBP: What inspired the premise for The Pace?

SS: I love to read stories with an unbreakable, but yet breakable bond, and so I started imagining what my ideal story would be like. From there, I had visions of Weston and his feelings for Sophie and everything else followed.

TBP: How long did The Pace take you to write?

SS: It took me about three months to write from beginning to end and then another two months to edit it. Once I saw the story unfold in my head, it flowed super fast and then I had to go back and clean up my mess of grammar, spelling and a zillion typos! (Wow, that's it? lol.)

TBP: Can you tell us if you are currently working on anything else at the moment?

SS: Yes! I'm wrapping up The Broken Lake and working on those edits. I also have another novel started, and I can't wait to devote more time to that. The lead guy in that one is definitely giving Weston a run for his money! (Ooooo! I can't wait!)

TBP: Any words of wisdom to those aspiring writers out there?

SS: I would definitely say write to get the story down first, and worry about making mistakes later. And don't be afraid to skip around in the story. When I get stumped on a certain section, I skip it and write another part and go back to it. Write what scenes you see in your head when you see them.

TBP: Who are your favorite authors? Young adult authors?

SS: I love Nicholas Sparks' ability to create a loving bond. I love Suzanne Collins' imagination. I love Stephenie Meyer's ability to suck you into fictional characters' lives. And I've just discovered Lucy Christopher. I'm not sure what I like about her writing yet, other than it just makes me wrestle with my own thoughts. It's great!

TBP: What are some of your favorite books? Young adult books?

SS: I love The Notebook, The Twilight Saga, Catching Fire, A Thousand Splendid Suns.

TBP: Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

SS: I have no idea! Two years ago, I didn't even have The Pace in my head, and now I'm working on a sequel! It's an amazing feeling, so I do hope to deliver many more! That might mean I'll be going to my son's football games with a laptop tucked under my arm, sneaking in a chapter at halftime!

TBP: Anything else you'd like to add?

SS: Just that I truly appreciate your interest in The Pace and all the wonderful feedback I've received from everyone. It's amazing, and I'm so grateful. Thank you all so so much!


I would like to thank Shelena for agreeing to do an interview. It was a pleasure having you on my blog.

Everyone be sure to show your appreciation by leaving a comment.

You can visit her website HERE.


Kris said...

Very nice interview! The pace sounds like a book to check out!

Jennifer Murgia said...

Fantastic interview! Shelena is such a doll!

Eleni said...

Nice interview, she sounds like a sweet person! She's also very pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Briana :)
Thank you for the excellent interview with Shelena Shorts & thanks to Shelena for sharing. I enjoyed learning about Shelena and her writing. THE PACE sounds like an intriguing great read. Thank you for introducing me to Shelena!
All the best,

Chioma said...

Really great interview!!! I loved her book. It was so so so good. I cant wait for The Broken Lake to come out!!!

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Great intereview, I think I need to check out this book! And nice advince, though when I write and get stumped... I just get stumped, lol. Some things just weren't meant to be.

Tynga said...

Just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award!

Sandy said...

I could've sworn I commented on this interview! D:

But I'll correct my mistaky by doing so now. Shelena seems like such a sweetheart! And I'm surprised with how quickly she wrote her book. Three months from start to finish and another two months on just editing? That's not even a year! AND she works full-time? IMPRESSIVE!!!

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

She sounds really cool!

skyla11377 said...

Great Interview With Shelena. She Sounds Like A Real Sweet And Down To Earth Person. Thanks For Introducing Me This Author.

Unknown said...

Awesome interview! I like that she likes to read the same books as me. Twilight and Catching Fire are some of my faves.

Jessy said...

Well some of her favorite books are my favorite books. So The Pace is bound to be a favorite too, right? Thanks for the interview

Ladytink_534 said...

Wow! Only 3 months?! Did she write a 100 pages per month? That's dedication.

Kelly said...

Kudos to Shelena for taking 3 months on her book! She is a writing fiend! Great interview, Briana! :D

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

Wow...her very first novel and it only took her 3 months to write. That's some accomplishment. Thanks for the interview :D

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Shelena likes The Hunger Games. So do I!

I was surprised that she wrote the book in such a relatively short period of time!

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Georgia, United States
Hello all! My name is Briana, I'm 20, and I live in the beautiful state of Georgia. I love reading and photography.

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