Betrayed (ARC) by Ednah Walters
Publisher: Firetrail Publishing
Pub. Date: July 14th, 2011
Pages: 368
Series: The Guardian Legacy, #2
Age Level: 14+
Source: For review from author.
Synopsis via Goodreads
Lil has come to terms with her life as a Guardian/demon hunter and the wielder of the Nephilim most powerful weapon. She trains everyday to master her growing powers, gets along with her Guardian trainee friends (most of the time) and cherishes her moments with her human friends.
Just when she feels she belongs, her nature-bender father contacts her and warns her about a betrayal by someone close to her. Then Bran, the guy she loves, starts to act strange and one of her human friends acquires a supernatural ability. While Lil struggles find a connection between these three things, she begins to realize that someone is manipulating her and Bran, and will stop at nothing (including hurting those she loves) to lure them to the dark side.
In Betrayed, Ednah Walters continues to pull me into the world and life of the Nephilim with her distinct, memorable characters and enticing story line filled with betrayal, romance, self-discovery, and some kick-ass action I wouldn't want to be caught on the receiving end of.
Lil continued to be a lovable protagonist in Betrayed with her fiery spirit and determination. She's a tough girl who enjoys some good ole fashioned butt-kicking but she also has a softer, more vulnerable side and I thought the two traits were blended together seamlessly. Lil is someone I can easily connect with and I liked getting to see her grow and develop even more as a character. Bran was probably one of my least favorite characters this go round as he took on this whole brooding, moody, senselessly 'protective', slightly hypocritical type personality. I'm kind of sick of guys refusing to talk to their girlfriends, using the excuse that it is for their own good or they are protecting them. It's like, have you met Lil? She can handle herself. He was much better and more likable during the first and last parts of the book but in the middle he seriously annoyed me. That being said, the supporting characters from the previous book all continued to be just as great, no better, than before. Honestly, these books have so many characters that it'd be hard to discuss them all individually. However, I do feel I should say that Walters handles having such a large cast exceptionally well and never do I feel overwhelmed by their quantity. I did get introduced to some new characters too, my favorite being Angelia. She is the most adorable demon child you will ever meet, guaranteed! There was also Solange and I really don't want to say much about her for fear of giving anything away but I thought she really added to the story.
With twists and turns around every corner, Betrayed kept me thoroughly intrigued and excited to find out what would happen next. I was presented with further development in every aspect of the story, especially regarding Lil's relationship with her father, Kylie, etc. There was barely anything predictable about this book for me and I loved that as I was always kept guessing. Also, I know I mentioned this at the beginning but there was some seriously awesome action as well. Never, during the entire course of my reading this, did I happen across a single dull moment. Plus I really enjoyed getting to read and learn more about the Nephilim as a whole, just one of the reasons I feel this series in so refreshing and original.
Walters has an enticing, witty writing style that I feel has improved since the first book, and it captured my attention with ease. Both the dialogue and context were entertaining to read and she does a great job at setting the tone. My only real issue with Betrayed, and do note this is a small issue, was the typos. There weren't a ton but there were more than I come to typically expect from an ARC. I must admit, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I came across Walter's blog URL in the writing on one of the pages and when 'bra in' became 'brain'. Like I said though, this was not a major problem for me but it was something I noticed. It is also something that I assume was corrected in the final copy.
The ending for Betrayed was very similar to the one in Awakened as far as the style. A style that I like. The story for Betrayed felt nicely wrapped up while still leaving enough open for the next installment. Though the way things ended was relatively happy, it was, at the same time, not a happy ending in that there is still more to come and I can be sure it won't all be unicorns and glitter.
All in all, while I much enjoyed Awakened, I think I may have fallen for Betrayed even more. If you are looking for a terrific paranormal series with a unique and imaginative concept that is executed in a way that fulfills its potential, then these are the books for you. I, for one, highly recommend them and can't wait to sink my teeth, figuratively that is, into the next book.
Characters: B+
Writing: B
Plot: A-
Ending: B+
2nd in Series: B+
Enjoyment/Likability: B+
Recommendable: B+
Overall: B+
Cover: B
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This series sounds fun, I love a kick-butt heroine!
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