Kelsey Sutton
July 8th, 2013
Some Quiet Place, #1
Young Adult
For Review from Flux
Synopsis via Goodreads
I can’t weep. I can’t fear. I’ve grown talented at pretending.
Elizabeth Caldwell doesn’t feel emotions . . . she sees them. Longing, Shame, and Courage materialize around her classmates. Fury and Resentment appear in her dysfunctional home. They’ve all given up on Elizabeth because she doesn’t succumb to their touch. All, that is, save one—Fear. He’s intrigued by her, as desperate to understand the accident that changed Elizabeth’s life as she is herself.
Elizabeth and Fear both sense that the key to her past is hidden in the dream paintings she hides in the family barn. But a shadowy menace has begun to stalk her, and try as she might, Elizabeth can barely avoid the brutality of her life long enough to uncover the truth about herself. When it matters most, will she be able to rely on Fear to save her?
From the moment I saw this book's cover, I wanted it. And when I read what it was about, I wanted it even more. So yeah, had some pretty high expectations for it. While not as amazing as I had hoped, this book did prove to have a lot to offer.
From first appearances, it does seem as though Elizabeth is a very personality lacking heroine. Afterall, that's bound to happen when you can't feel emotions. However, the more I read, there were characteristics that I picked up on that began to craft a personality, of sorts. She was very calculated, wary, and serious, admittedly a far cry from the average protagonist. She also seemed to enjoy floating about in the denial river for the better part of the book. I agreed wholeheartedly with Fear; Elizabeth did care about people, even if she didn't think she did. She wasn't especially likable, but I did find myself cheering for her, and I grew to like her much more towards the end. Now, onto my favorite character. Fear has never felt so good! He was so mysterious and smexy and dear me I wanted Fear something awful. The way he seemed to torment Elizabeth, trying to get her to feel fear, while at the same time caring for her and protecting her at all costs. Plus it was revealed that there was a lot more to their relationship. Then there was our other love interest, Joshua. This dude was about as exciting as waiting for water to boil. He had one or two moments where I didn't think he was a total waste of words, but he was not a character I cared for. Maggie, Elizabeth's friend with cancer, showed so much potential but wasn't allowed to really develop. Some Quiet Place did have a pretty despicable villain, but I won't say who. But let me say, he totally oozed evilness. Other characters included a variety of emotions, a few elements, Elizabeth's complicated and unloving family, and others. This book had a huge array of different minor characters, but I didn't really see as much development amongst them as I'd have liked.
Some Quiet Place got off to a great, exciting start. Unfortunately, it kind of petered out after that and didn't gain momentum again until towards the end. It wasn't that the middle was bad, it just seemed to lag when juxtaposed amidst the rest of the story. That said, the whole story carried with it an element of suspense. Who is it that's after Elizabeth, the one that seems to strike fear into all the emotions and elements? And just who is Elizabeth, anyway? Some of these answers came easier than others. The whole concept of elements and emotions actually being, well, beings, was so imaginative and new for me. And the rural setting was beautifully crafted and depicted. There did seem to be a couple of plot holes though. One of which was in regards to the possibility of Elizabeth's existence considering her parentage, but to say more would spoil. At the same time, it is possible I misread something.
Sutton's writing style was probably the best aspect of this book, as well as the most consistent. It often took on a lyrical quality and she really had a way with words. Her imagery was immersive, completely pulling me into the world that she had created.
I was very happy with the ending. Mainly because of Fear. I love Fear. Ergo, I loved the ending.
In Essence
Characters: A little flat. Would have liked more development in this area. Great variety though.
Writing: Beautiful and immersive.
Plot: Unevenly paced but very original concept and nice level of suspense.
Ending: Yes!
1st in Series: Does a great job of world building and introducing a variety of potential characters for future books.
Enjoyment/Likability: I had a few issues with it but enjoyed reading it just the same.
Recommendable: Definitely worth a try.
Overall: Flawed but a subtly dark and intriguing storyline with great potential. A lot of people really loved this book. Looking forward to the second, which will actually follow a different main character.
Cover: Love, love, love!
Buy Some Quiet Place

I cannot wait to read this book!
Great review :)
I really appreciate your defense of Elizabeth's personality here. While I and a lot of other reviewers couldn't see it, I am trying to rethink about her in light of your comments here. Thanks!
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