TBP: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
EL: I started this new career two years ago, at the ripe old age of 52. I have been married to my high-school sweetheart for 35 years and have two great kids.

EL: Action packed, paranormal romance, about past lives.
TBP: Your 'About' page says you are a decorative painter. Could you tell us a little bit more about that?
EL: I am a very visual person, I was a interior decorator and decorative painter. Which means I would do murals, faux painting, stencils, all kinds of things. It was fun.
TBP: Do you currently have any other books in the works right now?

EL: I am just finishing a novelette about a Royal Blood Chronicles character that we don’t know much about, Damien and Cain’s sister Marcella. Then I will be writing book 7 of Royal Blood Chronicles, which is my vampire series about royal blooded vampires, chosen to protect the peaceful races of the world. I have plans to write additional book about Lillian, a character people really like and want to know more about and then I will be starting a new series about shifters, using the backdrop of the forests of the NW United States.
TBP: Where is one of your favorite places you like to write?
EL: I love to write in the garden, turn on the fountains and just relax with my characters.
TBP: Do you have any strange writerly quirks? Like something you absolutly have to have or can't have, etc?
EL: Not really. I do like to have everything close at hand, a note pad, telephone, remote, when I’m inside so I can just write and not be up and down looking for things.

TBP: If you could do on location research for a book anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
EL: Oh I would love to go to Egypt, back to China or Africa. I love the cultures, the long history, with so many legends to choose from that would really be fun. Scotland and Ireland would be great for the same reasons. So hard to choose just one.
TBP: Who is an author, past or present, that you would love to co-write a book with?
EL: Anne Rice would be great, or Hans Christen Andersen.

TBP: What are a few of your favorite YA books?
EL: Oh I love Twilight, of course. Hunger Games, The Secret Circle.
TBP: Anything else you'd like to add?
EL: Thanks so much for the interview. I enjoyed it. I hope that if your readers haven’t tried my books, they would give them a try.
And thank you Elizabeth! I hope that all of you enjoyed the interview and will feel free to leave any comments or questions below. And don't forget to check out her books!
Buy Katrina, the Beginning (Royal Blood Chronicles #1)
Paperback / Kindle ($1.99)
Buy Phantom Lives-Collier
Paperback / Kindle ($2.99)
Also, I'm having a contest for two signed copies of Phantom Lives AND two $25 Amazon giftcards thanks to Elizabeth. You can enter that HERE!

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