TBP: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
SS: I'm a mom of three. My day job is in the education field and I write at night and read during every free minute. I'm also a huge love story junkie!

SS: An action packed YA conspiracy mixing attraction and risk.
TBP: Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they of and if not, what would you choose if you HAD to get one?
SS: Yes, three small sunflowers on my back.
TBP: If you were to dye your hair an unnatural color (such as pink, purple, etc.) what would it be?
SS: Pink!
TBP: If you could go back into history and interview any author that is no longer living in our time, who would it be and why?
SS: Emily Dickinson. There are so many stories about her being a recluse and although I wouldn't go that far and call myself one, I'm definitely a homebody and can understand her comfort in solitude. I'd love to pick her brain and find out what she was really like.

SS: I would be Rose, from the Titanic, because through it all she discovered what's important in life, and I would make sure Jack made it up onto that piece of wood in the end!
TBP: You are dared to audition for American Idol. What song do you pick?
SS: This would be hilarious, because I'm not even kidding when I say I cannot sing. Not even a little. But if I HAD to pick, I'd go with Hero, by Mariah Carey, because I swore I used to sound good when signing that song:)!
TBP: You murdered a celebrity. Who was it, why, and how?
SS: I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you.

SS: Belle from Beauty in the Beast, because I love a story where someone can see goodness in people.
TBP: Anything else you'd like to add before you go?
SS: That I love The Book Pixie! Seriously, there are some reviewers and online friends I could never forget and you are one of them. Thank you for your awesomeness and constant support. I really appreciate it.
Awww I love you too! And I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Be sure to not only keep your eye out for The Syndicate, but to check out Shelena's Pace Series as well. It is one of my personal favorites!
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ooh, i enjoyed reading the interview! i love shelena shorts and the pace series! (though I still have to read the last one, the iron quill) :)
Cool interview. Can't wait for the new books!
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