Today is the 10th Anniversary of 9-11. The day when terrorists attacked the USA by flying passanger planes into the twin towers, killing thousands of people. I am posting this picture (though it is far from great) in memory of those who were taken and in honor of their friends and family. 9-11 was a nightmare come true and will never be forgotten.
I can remember the day it happened like it was yesterday. I was in 3rd grade when Mr. Cowart came into music class and told us the news. I was the only one who cried and sometimes I wonder if any of the others truly understood just what the attack meant. I can remember the number countdown from 10 to 1 on the news when they annoucnced that we were at war. The chill of fear that went down my spine when I saw and heard that is something I'll never forget.
In 7th grade, I got to visit Ground Zero when my Discovery class went to NY. It is impossible to explain how it felt to stand there, knowing what had happened. The piece of metal in my picture was found in the shape of a cross among the rubble after the attack. Some people believe God wasn't there, but I believe this cross is proof He was. Many survivors remember feeling like they were being led out of the burning towers by people who weren't really there or by an unseen presence. My papa (grandfather) died the year before on September 15th, four days before my mom's birthday. He was a war veteran and we all knew that if hadn't have died from RA, 9-11 would have killed him for sure. I like to believe, and maybe this is childish, that God brought my papa to heaven so he could help lead people out of the towers.
I know some of you aren't exactly the religious sort, but for those of you who are I would like to ask you to take a couple of minutes to say a prayer. Everyone else, I only ask that you take a brief, or long, moment of silence to remember those who were lost and all others affected by this attack. Whether you are American or not, it doesn't matter. I would like to thank you all for stopping by and taking the time to read this. God bless America.
God bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home.
(For those of you who recognize this post, yes it is the same one I posted the last two years but I feel I still have the same things to say. I plan to make this an annual post for as long as I continue blogging.)