IMM is a weekly meme hosted and created by Kristi at The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.
For Review from Little Brown
~Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler & Maira Kalman
~The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
For Review from Henry Holt
~ARC The Edumacation of Jay Baker by Jay Clark
For Review/Giveaway from HarperTeen
~2 ARCs of Slide by Jill Hathaway
Bought for Kindle ($0.99)
~Phoenix Rising by Tee Morris & Pip Ballantine
Gift from Laurie
~The Journeys of John and Julia by Aurelia
Free for Kindle
~Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
~The Legacy of Kilkenny by Devyn Dawson
~Soul Mate by Richard Crawford
~The Book of Deacon by Joseph Lallo
~Asylum by Kristen Selleck
~Untraceable by S.R. Johannes
Yay for awesome books this week! I'm especially looking forward to Phoenix Rising, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and Slide. I'll hopefully be getting a giveaway up for the second ARC of Slide tomorrow so be watching for that. Hope you all got great books in your mailbox this week and Happy New Years Eve everyone.