Site Announcements, Updates, Etc
~Review: The Killing Woods
~Review: The Waiting Sky
~Review: A Certain Slant of Light
~Review: Timepiece
~Review: Infinityglass
Monday, August 31, 2009
Contest Reminder!!!
Blogger Interview: Bloody Bookaholic
I would like to proudly introduce you all to Taschima from Bloody Bookaholic. I had the pleasure of interviewing her for my blog and here is how it went...........
Blog: Bloody Bookaholic
Name: Taschima
Age: 16
Book/Blog Related:
1. Please tell us a little bit about your blog.
~Bri? You don't remember me? It's your Twin Taschima! Well since you have a case of amnesia I will tell you, yet again, about me and what I do.
Ramblings of a Bookaholic really. That is a good title, I should have thought of it sooner... Anyways since you want to know my blog is called Bloody Bookaholic, and it's all book related. I tend to babble constantly, as my followers must know. I do reviews, interviews, contests, the works. I have a major contest right now. Called Mega Palooza, you can all join. No Bri, you already entered. Can't enter two times girl.
2. What is your favorite part about blogging? Why?
~Reading what my followers have to say. The exchange of ideas! I am always up for a good debate. Like, for example, I did a post called Blasphemy, in which I rambled about Miley Cirus being chosen to be the protagonist of Wings. People just went nuts! It was so much fun to read the replies! Even the ones that said she was a good actor and should get the part (which I don't think it's true but oh well)
3. On average, how many books do you read a month?
~Hmmm... Am... Why does it smell like smoke? *brain in flames*
I sincerely don't know. It really depends, on the summer I couldn't read that much, with a job and the partying. But on a normal month I could read from 10-20 books.
4. What is one book that you think everyone should read before they die? Why?
~This is a tough one. I think people should read multiple books before they die. Hmm if you are asking my adult self I would say Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. If you ask my intellectual self I would say The Picture of Dorian Gray. If you ask my childish self I would say Harry Potter Series, and if you ask my teen self I would say Vampire Academy series.
5. What 3 books are you most anticipating the release of this year? Next year?
~This year...
1. The Van Alen Legacy
2. Covet: A Novel of the Fallen Angels
3. Shadowland
Next Year...
1. Spirit Bound: A Vampire Academy Novel.
2. Next Sookie Stackhouse Book
3. Next Black Dagger Brotherhood Book
6. Where is your favorite place to read?
~I can read anywhere. I don't really have a 'place'. But a good atmosphere, for me, it's at school. Instead of listening to the teacher I read. How I get good grades is a total mystery.
7. Do you write?
~I review. So I guess I kind of 'write'. I have never started a book, and not even plan to. But I do edit. I love to edit, it's so much fun!
Non Book/Blog related:
8. What are some little known facts about you?
~I sometimes like to be called Bubba... Nah, not really... Or do I?
Hahaha I am a fiction lover. Total paranormal junkie. I cannot read non-fiction. I figure if you are going to read a book to escape from this ill world, why just go into books about more problems?!
9. What is your favorite supernatural/fantasy creature? Why?
~Vampires. I love the whole darkness that surrounds them. Vampires are so complicated. So sexy. My favorite vampires come from my favorite series The Black Dagger Brotherhood. I cannot put into words why exactly I am so mesmerized by them, Its like trying to describe your favorite book, too many things come to mind at the same time.
10. If you were to create your own 'Bucket List' (Things to do before you 'kick the bucket'), what would be the first 3 things on it?
~1. Go to Europe
2. Read every single book my soul desires.
3. Kiss Jim Sturgess. Actually, this should be number one...
11. You have just been awakened to the police banging on your front door. What is the first thought that pops into your mind?
~Who the hell is waking ME up?!!?!?! Oh, the police... Bathroom break first, police later.
12. Anything else you'd like to add?
Are you ok now Bri? Remember everything? Yeah? Good, I was starting to get scared. Glad your ok Twin <3>
Thanks to everyone for reading, and keep visiting Bri's blog.
Why? Well like one very wise person said to me once:"Cause she rocks, and we rock, and we people who rock gotta stick together."
Awwww, she thinks I'm wise. And with good reason to, because I know all. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :P
Thanks for stopping by my blog and don't forget to go pay Taschima a visit over at Bloody Bookaholic. She has a great blog!
I hope to see ya'll here again soon. :D

Sunday, August 30, 2009
BBAW Nomination
Ok so I should have posted this a long long time ago but, well life got in the way and then I forgot about it. Hey better late than never.
Well, I got an email a while back saying that I was nominated for Most Eclectic Taste Blog. A shout out and huge thank you to whoever it was that nominated me. I'm flattered and really appreciate that you thought of my blog. :D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
In My Mailbox (13)
"For Briana

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday
This book sounds so good and I can't wait to have the chance to read it. The cover is so beautiful too. The UK cover is also really pretty. You can see it over at her blog, which you should so totally check out.
Click HERE to visit her blog
Click HERE to pre-order from Amazon

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wickedly Awesome Contests!
I would say that BookMac is long overdue for a contest wouldn't you say???
So I would love to introduce to you two new books up for winning!

Awesome, right!? So how you win? First off you MUST leave a way for us to contact you, blog account, email, whatever floats your boat. (email preferably tho :p).
Okay so extra entry's....
+1 for commenting
+1 for participating in a poll
+5 for becoming a follower
+5 for posting about this on you website (must leave evidence)
+3 for commenting on any of our older posts (evidence people)
But wait! That's not all, if we can get 50 followers in the next two weeks (August 26th) then 2 more books will be added to the pile, and if we can get 60 or more followers ........ Crazy Beautiful ARC will be added!!!
So get following people!
This contest will end August 28th!
Go HERE to enter!
What's a qualified participant you ask? Well, you must be a follower of the blog or twitter to qualify, so if you are not already a know...become one :D. You must also earn a minimum of 5 points from the list below to qualify.
1. Already a blog follower= 4pts
Contest ends midnight Aug. 29th. I'll post winners the following day.
100 Followers Giveaway at The Tainted Poet
Enter HERE for your chance to win an ARC copy of Hush, Hush and more!
Open to USA only and ends September 22.
Contests at /-La Femme Readers-/
+1 Answer question + your e-mail address: If you were a prince or a princess and your duty was to marry a person that your father wanted, what would you do? Would you fulfill your responsibility or follow your heart? [You must answer this question to be entered]
Whoo hoo! I now have 200 followers and I just wanted to thank everyone for caring about my blog, I love ya all and here's a giveaway to show my gratitude! *Hugs* Below are the two books I'm giving away...
-Open to U.S. & Canada only [Sorry I'm broke]
Extra Entries:
+1 Follow me on twitter -
-Contest ends September 30, 2009 at midnight.-Winner will be announced on September 31, 2009.

Monday, August 24, 2009
Review: Jumping Off Swings
Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles
Publisher: Candlewick
Pub. Date: August 11, 2009
Pages: 240
Age Level: 15+/YA
One pregnancy. Four friends. It all adds up to a profound time of change in this poignant, sensitively written YA novel.
Ellie remembers how the boys kissed her. Touched her. How they begged for more. And when she gave it to them, she felt loved. For a while anyway. So when Josh, an eager virgin with a troubled home life, leads her from a party to the backseat of his van, Ellie follows. But their "one-time thing" is far from perfect: Ellie gets pregnant. Josh reacts with shame and heartbreak, while their confidantes, Caleb and Corinne, deal with their own complex swirl of emotions. No matter what Ellie chooses, all four teenagers will be forced to grow up a little faster as a result. Told alternately from each character’s point of view, this deeply insightful novel explores the aftershocks of the biggest decision of one fragile girl’s life — and the realities of leaving innocence behind.
Jumping Off Swings is a poignant and genuine novel that goes inside the minds of 4 teenagers and how they are each affected by one pregnancy. This book sent me through a roller coaster of emotions. I've never cried as much reading a book as I did this one.
Ellie thought Josh cared for her. She thought he wanted more than just her body. So why did he just leave her like that. Now Ellie's discovered she’s pregnant with his child. Josh is haunted by the look he left on Ellie’s face when he walked away from her. He is ashamed of what he did and since finding out she is pregnant, he wants to help but is afraid of hurting her again. Poor Caleb and Corinne are caught in the middle of a dreadful situation. Caleb, Josh’s best friend, has had a crush on Ellie for years. He's hurt by the way the guys talk about her and even more so when he discovers Josh has gotten her pregnant. Corinne, Ellie’s best friend, has never understood why Ellie does what she does. Now she has to help her through one of the roughest parts of her life.
I really loved the characters. They were very well developed, their emotions and thoughts authentic. I found myself forming a special bond with each and every one of them. Their family lives do, in a way, play a role in how they turned out the way they did. I only wish I had heard a little more about Corinne’s family. You do hear some about her parents and even more about her sister but not as much as you do about the other character’s relations. In Corinne’s case, you only here her reference them, they don’t ever actually come into the dialogue themselves.
I thought Jo Knowles did a wonderful job of writing this story. It just felt so real and believable, I really connected with it. Though I felt the book was well developed, considering its short length, I definitely would have liked to have had about 100 or so more pages.
The ending was far from what I hoped for, but sadly, was the most realistic ending this book could have been given. For that, I would like to give kudos to Jo Knowles for sticking with what would have probably happened if this story were true and not trying to give it a fairy tale ending.
This was a beautiful, touching book and I absolutely loved it. It took me no time to read, which will just make it easier for me to have time to read it again in the future. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a great book to tug at their heart strings and make them cry.
Characters: A-
Writing: B+
Plot: B+
Ending: A
Cover: A+
Recommendable: A
Overall: A-
Blogger Interview: The Bookologist
I was so glad when I got an e-mail from YA Book Reviews requesting that I interview her. This is my first ever posting a blogger interview and I'm so excited.
~There are 2 types of months for me. One type of month would be no school, in one month I think I can read about 20-35 books. Now, the other type of month which means I have SCHOOL, I can only read about 10-15 books a month. I'm so busy with studies especially with my honors classes, it's really hard so I have to study a lot!
4. What is one book that you think everyone should read before they die? Why?
~That is a VERY hard question. Right now my most favorite book is Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle Zink. Although, my sister has won contests and she has received some ARC's which I hopefully will be able to read soon. Some of those books are really good which I've been dying to read such as Hush, Hush, Ballads of Suburbia, Intertwined (I spelt that wrong I think), Once a Witch, Crazy Beatiful, The Espressologist and and some others ones. So for right now it would be Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle Zink. But this will definietely change for sure.
5. What 3 books are you most anticipating the release of this year? Next year?
6. Where is your favorite place to read?
~My favorite place to read is in my bedroom. It doesn't have to be in my bedroom but somewhere cozy and silent. I always need a silent place to read, I can never read if there is noise.
7. Do you write?
~I actually do write. I'm not that person though who loves to write. I sometimes write but not often at all. But I do think I need a lot of improvment.
Non Book/Blog related:
8. What are some little known facts about you?
~I'm really scared of heights. I'm a very shy person, but not too shy now, but I'm still shy. I love music, it's one of my most favorite things in the world.
9. What is your favorite supernatural/fantasy creature? Why?
~I think I would be a zombie, I'm not so sure about this creature. I think a zombie because vampires are so passe. Also being a zombie would be totally awesome!
10. If you were to create your own 'Bucket List' (Things to do before you 'kick the bucket'), what would be the first 3 things on it?
11. Anything else you'd like to add?
~I'd just like to say that THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this Briana!!!! Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! :)))
Sunday, August 23, 2009
1st Book in a Series Challenge

1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. Read 12 books that are the first in any series.
You may read & list your chosen books any time during the year.
3. Challenge begins January thru December, 2009.
4. You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2009.
Past, Present, Future (11)
Ok so this week was like my busy body week. I did a whole lot of posts compared to normal.
This past week I........
- posted about Mega Palooza Contest at Taschima's blog.
- posted review on Identical by Ellen Hopkins
- posted 100 followers Giveaway #1 for Ballads of Suburbia (go enter if haven't already)
- posted Teasing and Waiting on Wednesday
- posted Award Extravaganza!!!!!! (Mini Series Edition #1)
- posted review on Snap by Carol Snow
- posted about Some Great Contests!
- posted 100 Followers Giveaway #2 for Snap (go enter if haven't already)
- posted Friday Finds
- posted The Book Pixie Recommends...... (Book Edition)
- posted In My Mailbox
- posted Contests Around the Blogosphere
What is Going on at Present.......
I'm currently reading Bewitching Season, which is really good. Also, I currently have TWO contests going on right now. One for Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert and one for Snap by Carol Snow.
What to expect from the future...........
I hope to have three reviews up this week. One for Jumping Off Swings, one for Bewitching Season, and one for Betraying Season. Also I may be going to decide to giveaway my ARC of Betraying Season once I'm done. So keep your eyes open. Then this week or next week I will be posting an interview with Marissa Doyle. I'll probably be posting other stuff as well but this is what comes to mind at this time as stuff I definitely plan to post outside of memes.
Hope you all have a wonderful week. :D
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Contests Around the Blogosphere
Coming 12/22/09 from Bloomsbury...
Nimira is a music-hall girl used to dancing for pennies. So when wealthy sorcerer Hollin Parry hires her to sing accompaniment to a mysterious piano-playing automaton, Nimira believes it will be the start of a better life. In Parry's world, long-buried secrets are about to stir. Unsettling rumors begin to swirl about ghosts, a madwoman roaming the halls, and Parry’s involvement in a group of corrupt sorcerers for whom the rules of the living and dead are meant to be broken for greater power. When Nimira discovers the spirit of a dashing fairy gentleman is trapped within the automaton, she is determined to break the curse. But even as the two fall into a love that seems hopeless, breaking the curse becomes a perilous race against time. Because it's not just the future of these star-crossed lovers that's at stake, but the fate of the entire magical world.
Want to win an ARC with original sketches from the author inside? See for details!

+2 for becoming a follower
+5 if you are already a follower (yes you lucky 5 people you!)
+10 for each time you advertise this contest - blog post, sidebar, twitter (please @MzLizard), etc. Also please leave a link!

B.A.M. Book Reviews 100 followers contest!

Since this contest is celebrating our followers, you must be a follower to enter!
Comment on this post and make sure you put your email address so we can contact you if you win!
+1 New followers
+2 Old followers
+2 Linking this contest to sidebar, Twitter, etc.
+5 Posting about this contest on your blog
+3 Adding us to your blog roll
Good luck everyone! :)

I am sure you are looking at the title thinking: What is a 3-2-1 contest? Well, it is a celebration of me reaching 100 followers, and a great chance for me to highlight some of my favorite series. I hope I got a fair selection of what everyone helped pick out. If there is something you REALLY want to win and I do not have it listed, please email me so that I may consider adding it.
Tier 3 winner will win 3 books or 1 giftcard from Tier 3 selections. It is only open to my 1st 100 followers-- do not worry, I know who you are.
Click HERE to see the books you could win and enter!

In My Mailbox (12)
~Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness by Scott Westerfeld
~Midnighters #3: Blue Noon by Scott Westerfeld
~What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones

Friday, August 21, 2009
The Book Pixie Recommends.... (Book Edition)
Dreadful Sorry by Kathryn Reiss
Publisher: Harcourt Paperbacks
Pub. Date: May 1, 2004 (Books original Pub. Date: April 1993)
Pages: 352
Age Level: YA
Price: $6.95 (Buy here at Amazon)
Ever since she can remember, sventeen-year-old Molly has been plagued by the same terrifying nightmare and an overwhelming fear of water. After almost drowning at a pool party, she flees to the safety of her father's housefor the summer. But Molly's problems only intensify as she stumbles onto a series of strange connections linking herself to a girl who lived in that cliffside house nearly a century before. Then the eerie coincidences start to form a dangerous pattern, and Molly finds herself haunted by visions that feel more like memories-- memories of a time before she was born!
Friday Finds
Thursday, August 20, 2009
100 Followers Giveaway #2: Snap

Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: August 25, 2009
Pages: 224
Age Level: 13+
Madison Sabatini thought she knew who she was: an almost-sophomore with a bright future. The newest photographer on her school paper. A shopaholic with great hair and a fabulous wardrobe. Then, in a flash, everything changed.
Now she's stuck in Sandyland, a gloomy beach town in the middle of nowhere, living with her parents in a crappy hotel "suite." Instead of spending the summer with her friends at home, she's hanging out with pink-haired Delilah, an artist who works in a shop called Psychic Photo, and a skater boy named Duncan who's totally not her type. Except, maybe he is . . .
Determined to make the best of things, Madison throws herself into her one passion: photography. But when strange figures start appearing in her pictures - people who weren't there when she snapped the shots, people who are later reported dead - she begins to question everything about who she is . . . and who she wishes she could be.
Contest details:
~One lucky winner will win an ARC of Snap by Carol Snow!
How to Enter(required):
~Leave a comment with a valid e-mail address. No e-mail address, no entry. (If you are uncomfortable leaving your e-mail in a comment, then e-mail it to me.)
~This contest is for followers only. If you don't follow my blog and want to enter, then look to your left and click that cute little button that says 'Follow'. :P
~Please Leave all entries in ONE comment.
Extra entries:
+1 New followers
+2 Old followers (if you were following before this post)
+2 Follow my photography blog, From Briana's Point of View
+1 For commenting on my review here. (+2 if you commented before this post)
+1 If you enter for Ballads of Suburbia
+1 Linking to my contest on your blog, twitter, etc. Include links. (up to 5)
+3 For posting about my contest on your blog. (Must be actual post)
+2 Add me to your blog roll.
This contest is open internationally! It will end September 1st at 11:59 pm Eastern time. Winner will be annoucnced September 2nd. Good luck and happy entering!
Some Great Contests!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Review: Snap
Snap by Carol Snow
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: August 25, 2009
Pages: 224
Age Level: 13+
Madison Sabatini thought she knew who she was: an almost-sophomore with a bright future. The newest photographer on her school paper. A shopaholic with great hair and a fabulous wardrobe. Then, in a flash, everything changed.
When I first read the premise of Snap, I automatically thought, “Wow! I’m going to love this book. The main character has a passion for photography just like I do. Plus there is a supernatural twist to it.” Needless to say, I was somewhat disappointed when this book failed to live up to my expectations.
Characters: C+
Writing: C
Plot: C+
Ending: C
Cover: B+
Recommendable: C
Award Extravaganza!!!!!!! (Mini Series Edition #1)
Ok, so I've been a total slacker when it comes to awards lately. I have so many that I'm going to have to do three posts. That's what I get I suppose. Well here is the first batch:

Your Blog Rocks Award (from Shayla at The Book Explorer, Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic)
I nominate:
~Pixie at Page Turners
~Diana Dang at Stop, Drop, and Read!
~Kate at The Neverending Shelf
~Sara at The Hiding Spot
~Sara at My Life is an Effing Fairy Tale!

Humane Award! (From Eleni at /-La Femme Readers-/, Shayla at The Book Explorer, and Alex & Lauren at A Flight of Minds)
I nominate:
~Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic
~Tina at Fantastic Book Review
~Erica at The Book Cellar
~Kim at The Book Butterfly
~Diane at The Book Resort

Spread the Love Award (from Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic <3)
I nominate:
~Laina at Laina Has Too Much Spare Time
~Briana at B.A.M. Book Reviews
~Sandy at Pirate Penguin's Reads
~Shayla at The Book Explorer
~Eli at The Tainted Poet
You Don't Say? Super Comments Award (From Alex and Lauren at A Flight of Minds)
I nominate:
~Teddyree at The Eclectic Reader
~Briana, Marisa, Arielle at B.A.M. Book Reviews
~Eleni at /-La Femme Readers-/
~Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic
~Casey at A Passion for Books

The Zombie Chicken Award! (From Shayla at The Book Explorer)
The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all...
I nominate:
~My twin Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic
~Kate at The Neverending Bookshelf
~Alex & Lauren at A Flight of Minds
~Beth at In Between the Pages
~Kristin at Feed Your Imagination
About Me

- ~The Book Pixie
- Georgia, United States
- Hello all! My name is Briana, I'm 20, and I live in the beautiful state of Georgia. I love reading and photography.
My Partner in mean reading. :P
Meet Rudy everyone!