In My Mailbox
IMM is a weekly meme hosted and created by Kristi at The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.
Free for Kindle
~The Pearl Savage by Tamara Rose Blodgett
~The Soulkeepers by G.P. Ching
~Raven by Suzy Turner
I also braved the Black Friday crowd at Walmart. Okay, that's not entirely true. I mean it was crowded as heck and two women got in a fight over some sheets but my mom and I were out with are stuff before it actually was Friday since some stuff went on sale at 10PM. I came away with:
DVDs for $1.96 (Walmart)
~Australia (Kidman & Jackman)
~Going the Distance (Barrymore)
~The Princess Bride (Pretty sure you all know which one I mean.)
~He's Just Not That Into You (You know, that movie with everyone in it)
~Unknown (Liam Neeson)
~The Time Traveler's Wife (Once again, what other movie could this be?)
DVDs for $5 (Walmart)
~Sherlock Holmes
DVDs for $9 (Walmart)
~Water for Elephants
I also got two pair (one black, one purple) of Isotoner suede gloves for about $7 each. Sorry there aren't pictures but I've searched the house time and time again and can neither find my charger for my batteries or batteries with enough juice to actually work in my little camera. (Big one is at dorm.) In the meantime, I'm on my last day of Thanksgiving Break and I'm sick as a dog with a fever. Four hour ride back to college tomorrow should fun. *cough* NOT! *cough* >_>
Anyhow, hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and got some great stuff this week! :D