Okay, so I just saw a post by a blog that I follow saying that Google Reader is closing. Most of you probably already know this but as I have been kind of out of touch with this marvelous community for a little while, it was news to me. Honestly, I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the keyboard. I reread and reread, wondering what this little fact meant for me. I was in denial. Deep deep denial. I have always loved using Google Reader. It can't possibly be going away. The horror!
Oh but it could. On July 1st to be exact. Once it sunk into my brain that my love for following via Google Reader was not going to make it stay, I went into full on panic. Sure, I have my blog on Facebook, and you can subscribe via email, but I feel like most people don't go that route. (Though please feel free to!)
And then I was just all, "Pull yourself together, girl!" I looked a little closer at Zoe's blog and saw that she was using a site called Bloglovin' as an alternative. I collected my self, took a look at the website, and saw this:
And I was all...
So I signed up. Imported all my blogs that I follow, which at over 500, only took a few minutes. Then I took the next step and "claimed my blog", which was already on there from where other people had imported me from Google Reader. And I see over 200 of my lovely peeps already follow me through Bloglovin'.
I realize, this may be the end of an era, but it is also the turning of a page. Moving on to bigger and better things. I'm looking forward to getting to use Bloglovin', though the loss of Google Reader will forever remain bittersweet. After all, it was my first.
So peoples, if you love me, if you want to keep following me, in my right sidebar you'll find all the different ways you can follow me, including: Bloglovin', Twitter, Facebook, and Email. I would also highly encourage my fellow bloggers to make the switch.
That said, you should all know that while Google Reader is closing, it is being said that GFC, which I also use religiously, will be remaining available for all blogs through Blogger, at least, so I hear. So you can also still follow me and others through GFC as well.

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