Author Bio:
T. P. Boje is a mother of two, a stepmother of another two and a hardcore cartoon lover, Tim Burton enthusiast, and enjoys any movie the Coen Brothers have made (with the big Lebowski being her favorite strongly followed by Burn after Reading). She is also a writer of YA Paranormal Romance, fantasy and mystery. She is originally from Denmark but currently living in Florida, USA. Her books are translated into several languages.
To learn more follow her on Twitter, visit her fansite on Facebook or check out her web-page:
TBP: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
TPB: My name is T. P. Boje and I am a writer of mystery novels, young adult fantasy and paranormal romance novels. Originally I am from Denmark but three years ago we moved to Florida with my husbands job and that was when I began to write in English.

TPB: Death and Life meet with a twist.
TBP: How long have you known you wanted to be a writer?
TPB: I have always been writing. Ever since I was a small child I have always told stories to whoever would listen. In school I remember sitting in class during recess and telling stories to my friends making them forget that they were about to go out and play. Even my teacher would often listen in as well. Later I would write stories for my teacher and he loved to read them. I kept writing short-stories in highschool and then I became a journalist. For many years I worked at a Danish TV-station, and it was then I came up with the idea for my first novel. A Danish truck-driver had been found dead in Poland and I was sent there to cover the investigation for the TV-station. Two years later that story became my first mystery novel. Since then I wrote two other mystery-novels that has been published in Denmark, Norway and Germany. I write full-time and that is the only thing I ever want to do.
When I moved to Florida I started writing in English and published another mystery-novel called “One, Two … He is coming for you” but then I wanted to try something new. I wanted to write for a younger audience and that was when I wrote the fantasy-novel “The Eye of the Crystal Ball” that came out last June. But something was missing, I thought. I needed some romance. So I started reading some paranormal romance and loved it. I knew right away that I wanted to write that too. Now I have written three novels in the series called Afterlife. I am planning on writing a new series soon, so I will be busy for awhile.
TBP: You are starring alongside a famous actor in a romantic comedy film. Who is the 'handsome hunk of humor' you'd pick to be playing the role opposite you?
TPB: I would love to do a movie with John Krasinski - he is hilarious and maybe not a hunk, but he has a lot going for him anyway.
TBP: If you could live anywhere in the world, during any time period, where and when would that be and why?
TPB: I would like to have been her to meet Jesus, but other than that I am pretty happy about the time I live in right now. Except for the fashion, that is. Everything today is really boring and they never come up with anything new, they just re-invent the same stuff over and over. I would have loved to be young in the seventies. But again ... to live without internet and my iPad? I don't know ...
TBP: You have just woken up to discover that you are now living the life of one of your favorite main characters. Who are you and what from?

TPB: I am Bastian and I have just entered Fantastica from The Neverending Story. I so want to try and ride that luck-dragon.
TBP: You murdered a celebrity. Who was it, how'd you do it, and why?
TPB: Paris Hilton, I guess. Because she is such a drama queen and so stupid as to let cocaine fall out her pocket with a policeman standing by and claiming it was chewing gum. I would become her new BFF and poison her cocaine when she wasn't looking. No one would question it.
TBP: Anything else you'd like to add before you go?
TPB: I am really not a murderer - just a nice person who hopes people will enjoy her books. I love to spellbind my audience. That is what it is all about.
I hope you all enjoyed that interview! And a big thank to T.P. for engaging in it with me. Be sure to check out her books:
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