Guess what everyone?! Today is my Two Year Blogoversary! Yay! I'm so happy and excited, proud and surprised I actually stuck with blogging this long. It's been a great journey so far and I plan on sticking around for quite a while yet though my posts will probably become inconsistent once I start college this fall.
Now I started book blogging basically on a sheer whim. I noticed a lot of my BookMooch friends, including The Story Siren, had these things called blogs. One day I finally decided to take a look at one of them. Oddly enough the first one I looked at was The Story Siren's. Go figure, right?
Well, I thought to myself, "I write short reviews on the books I read. Maybe this would be something fun for me to do." And that was it folks. With barely any idea of what I was doing, I started my book blog. Most the stuff I learned as I went along; thankfully I quickly learned how to use the HTML coding and gadgets but with some stuff I did require some help.
When I first started, Tina from Fantastic Book Review was a HUGE help to me. You have her to thank for the fact that my blog has three columns. If I had questions she had answers and I'm sure I annoyed the crap out of her at times. Honestly, I don't know that my blog would be where it is today had it not been for her help. So thanks Tina, if you're reading this. :D
Also, thanks to all my close blog friends out there! I'd name you all but there's a lot of you and you know who you are. :)
Well that's pretty much it everyone. These past two years has been awesometastic and I have loved getting to know and talk with all of you. Stay tuned because later today, the real fun begins, starting with a giveaway. Hope you are all having a terrific week and thanks for supporting me by being a follower!
(Note: This post is pretty much identical to last year's blogoversary post but I have a lot going on right now so please forgive me for not typing a new one.)
Now I started book blogging basically on a sheer whim. I noticed a lot of my BookMooch friends, including The Story Siren, had these things called blogs. One day I finally decided to take a look at one of them. Oddly enough the first one I looked at was The Story Siren's. Go figure, right?
Well, I thought to myself, "I write short reviews on the books I read. Maybe this would be something fun for me to do." And that was it folks. With barely any idea of what I was doing, I started my book blog. Most the stuff I learned as I went along; thankfully I quickly learned how to use the HTML coding and gadgets but with some stuff I did require some help.
When I first started, Tina from Fantastic Book Review was a HUGE help to me. You have her to thank for the fact that my blog has three columns. If I had questions she had answers and I'm sure I annoyed the crap out of her at times. Honestly, I don't know that my blog would be where it is today had it not been for her help. So thanks Tina, if you're reading this. :D
Also, thanks to all my close blog friends out there! I'd name you all but there's a lot of you and you know who you are. :)
Well that's pretty much it everyone. These past two years has been awesometastic and I have loved getting to know and talk with all of you. Stay tuned because later today, the real fun begins, starting with a giveaway. Hope you are all having a terrific week and thanks for supporting me by being a follower!
(Note: This post is pretty much identical to last year's blogoversary post but I have a lot going on right now so please forgive me for not typing a new one.)

Congrat's on the Blogoversary! 2 years that's great. And don't worry about it. Life get's in the way sometimes we understand :)
Happy Blog birthday!!
Yay, happy blogiversary! Nice to have something to celebrate in the midst of all the craziness, I hope.
Wahoo! Congrats on two years! That is awesome.
Congrats on the second year of blogging!!!!
The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
Congratulations :D !
I really like your blog :).
Happy blogoversary darling! Congratulations!!
Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!
Congrats! Happy blogoversary!
Congratulations! Happy Blogoversary! :D Hope you have many more to come~
Happy Blogoversary!!!! :D
Happy Blogoversary!
YAY 2 YEARS OLD :) So am I though mine was on August 30th.
Happy Blogoversary!
Can you believe that we've been doing this for 2 years ??
Happy blogoversary!
Congratulations on year two!
Awe, happy 2nd blogoversary!
I can't believe I missed your blogaversary! >.< So Sorry! I was absent from the blogosphere for awhile. -.- Happy Blogoversary! <3 I'll be there for your upcoming year! <3
Happy two years, Briana!
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