Today I have for you all an interview with Mercy Amare, indie author of the new YA/New Adult book, You Got Me! This was a very fun interview to conduct and I hope you all enjoy it. :D
TBP: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
MA: My name is Mercy Amare. I am 23 years old from Arkansas. I wrote my first novel at age 14, it sucked, and since then I haven't stopped writing. Hundreds of songs included... I love to read! I love caffeine, specifically NOS Energy Drink. I also have an unhealthy addiction to the TV series: The Lying Game, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, and Pretty Little Liars.

MA: Letting go of the past. Falling in love.
TBP: What inspired you to write You Got Me?
MA: I have no idea, honestly. I was just at work one day, and the idea popped into my head! I started writing. Then stopped. Then changed the characters, A LOT, then re-wrote, and there you have it. :) Ideas usually come to me when I'm walking, or driving... Always random times for no reason at all.
TBP: What is one of your favorite YA book series?
MA: My absolutely favorite, hands down, is Stalk Me by Jillian Dodd. I adore that book series.
TBP: If you could co-write a book with any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
MA: This is a tough question. I have SO MANY favorite authors. But, I think I would say Colleen Hoover. Her stories are breathtakingly amazing! I would love to just hang out with her for a couple of months, and see her in action. It would be incredible.
MA: Well, considering Jeremy just died, this is a tough question. I miss Aunt Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, Vicky, John, Anna, Grams, Lexie (we did NOT get enough of her)... I'm sure I'm missing some... Gah... Can I say tie? This is the hardest question EVER.
Fine, Jeremy. I need Jeremy back! lol.
Haha! I think I agree with you, though prior to recent events, I'd have definitely said Alaric.
TBP: Your bio says you play guitar, bass, and drums. Which is your favorite and why?
MA: I love playing them all for different reasons, so really, it depends on my mood. The drums are just FUN, and when I play them I always get really hyper. It's a rush.... The bass is laid back. I don't have to think, at all, when I play. It's relaxing, and it's nice. (Though that may just be from the 9 years of experience). The guitar is my first love. I've been playing 11 years, and I play well (not being "big headed", it's just a fact). It's amazing to see the look on peoples faces when they see me, a GIRL, play so... good... I honestly couldn't chose between them.
TBP: You mentioned that you've had a lot of not so great jobs in the past. I feel like there has to be a funny/odd story in there somewhere from one of them. Do tell?
MA: I have had a LOT of jobs. I have worked for all the major cell phone companies: AT&T (call center & store), Sprint (store), and Verizon (call center & store). I've worked in a lot of call centers. (I was a telemarketer for a week. Most miserable week of my life). I worked at a Wells Fargo call center for a few months. We were very slow there, and I was bored a lot. I spent 20 minutes sometimes waiting on a call. While working there, I wrote a 47k word book. All on the company watch. Needless to say, I got laid off (along with hundreds of others)... Did I mention being an author is my favorite job?
TBP: You are putting together a soundtrack to your life. What are some of the songs on it?
MA: My soundtrack would be so crazy. I've done so much in my life, and I'm thankful for it. Road trips have always been a HUGE part of my life, and each road trip has it's own sound track: Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts (I had pit passes to their concert in Little Rock. I went to Tunica with my bf (Waking up in Vegas (TUNICA): Katy Perry). Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus (I blame Six Flaggs St. Louis for this). Baby by Justin Bieber (I was drunk, don't ask! lol). I Am Not a Whore by LMAO (YouTube the song). Clumsy by Fergie (described by love life from age 16-20). Keep on Loving You by REO Speedwagon (me and my husband's song)... :) This is just the beginning.
I totally get the Miley Cyrus thing. Well not totally (can't stand her, personally). Call Me, Maybe would be on mine because I heard it constantly while I was staying with a friend in NJ for two months over the summer. So I understand how that ind of thing happens. lol.
TBP: Anything else you'd like to add?
MA: Yes, thank you everybody who is still reading! And thank you, Briana, for having me today! This interview was so much fun! :)
And thank you, Mercy! It was great fun. :D
I hope you all enjoyed that interview, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to check out Mercy Amare's books!
Don't Tell (Novella)
Kindle / Nook
You Got Me
Kindle / Nook

Great authors come from cell phone stores ;)
Call Me Maybe would definitely make my list too. I spend every summer in Georgia and that song was or summer theme song :-P... that and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.
Awesome interview I love it
How funny that she wrote a novel while on the clock at work. Enjoyed reading the entire interview.
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