Hello dear readers! So, this is a sneak peek at what I am hoping to get read in the month of February. I already have one book under my belt, Weather Witch by Shannon Delany. With my ridiculous college course load and other personal activities, getting all of these read will be difficult but I'm certainly going to give it a go. I'm determined that I won't go MIA this semester as I have been so prone to do in the past since starting college. If you are curious to see what I've read in January, you can check out my left hand sidebar. Here is the official list for this month:
Notes From Ghost Town by Kate Ellison
Blaze by Laurie Boyle Crompton
Being Henry David by Cal Armistead
Touching the Surface by Kimberly Sabatini
Emblaze by Jessica Shirvington
Georgetown Academy by Jessica Etting & Alyssa Schwartz
Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter
Forty Days by Stephanie Parent
Are any of these books you are hoping to read? Maybe you've already read some of them?
I've read Blaze and I enjoyed it-there are some great comic book moments in there.
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