The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
First thing is first...
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! Hope you are all able to have a wonderful time with your families today!
Now...onto business. I will now be doing The Sunday Post instead of In My Mailbox each week. I want to thank Kimba for hosting this great meme!
Book News:
Fall to Pieces by Vahini Naidoo finally has a cover! Check it out:

When your best friend dies, you’re supposed to know what happened. You’re supposed to know why.
But Ella has no idea what happened the night Amy jumped to her death. She has no idea why Amy would want to die.
Ella’s other friends, Mark and Petal, are hiding something. Ella thinks they know exactly what happened that terrible night. But they’re not talking. Instead, Ella, Mark, and Petal play Pick Me Ups—a game in which they jump from dangerous heights. And every time Ella falls, she begins to remember pieces of that night. . .
It’s still not enough. So Ella brings a mysterious new guy into the group, hoping he will help shake things up and unearth the truth. But Ella’s “Explosive Boy” has secrets of his own.
And there may be some secrets that Ella doesn’t want to face. The truth – the real truth – about Amy’s death might just be more than she can handle.
Blog News (Past) :
Excerpt Part #2: ReVamped by Ada Adams
Going Under eBook Giveaway!
Guest Post: Love of the Bad Boy by Georgia Cates
Waiting on Wednesday: The Friday Society!
Review: Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
Amazing Deal: River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergen
Goddess Interrupted Giveaway!
Blog News (Future) :
So I've got a lot of stuff planned for this week. There will be a giveaway of Nothing Special by Geoff Herbach. I'm also hoping to post reviews of The Immortal Rules, Fracture, Love & Leftovers, and possibly some other books. There will also be some Noteworthy Passages posts. Thanks to Georgia Cates, I'll be posting an excerpt of her YA novel, Going Under, which there is currently a giveaway for on my blog right now. You can see what I'm giving away above this post.
Also, May 18th will be my 3rd Blogoversary! Starting that morning I will be posting giveaways galore. I have around 10 planned contests, mostly US only but the International giveaway is off the chain. Just sayin'.
And in case y'all haven't noticed, I'm awfully close to that 1500 followers mark. :)
Book Haul (What I got last week) :

Bought for Kindle
~Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes ($1.99)
~Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes ($1.99)
~Soulless by Gail Carriger ($0.99)
For Review from Netgalley/LB
~A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger

Cannot wait to see what you thought of Immortal Rules and Fracture. i still need to read Fracture..grr, I have the all of the books to Carriger series ..i so need to read them and I am super curious about a Midsummer's Nightmare. Love the cover of Fall to Pieces. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post
nice haul! haven’t read of those yet...:)
Nice book haul! Those Kindle deals are so tempting...
Happy reading! :)
Aw, how fun - your 3rd blogoversary!
And great books!
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