Today's Teaser Tuesday is from Mackenzie, Lost and Found by Deborah Kerbel.
Teaser (pg. 51)
"You don't smoke and that's okay. But if you don't learn to drink coffee, you'll never fit in."
Teaser Tuesday is brought to us by Should be Reading.
1) Grab your current read
2) Open to a random page
3) Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4) BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Site Announcements, Updates, Etc
~Review: The Killing Woods
~Review: The Waiting Sky
~Review: A Certain Slant of Light
~Review: Timepiece
~Review: Infinityglass
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Teaser Tuesday

Monday, September 28, 2009
Awesome Contest Ending Soon (Part 2)
1. What's your favourite book of the year and the most disappointing book of the year so far and why?
Well I've had two books this year that run really close to being my all time faves for 2010 so far. The first is Paranormalcy by Kiersten White which was just such a fun, refreshing story with great characters, plot...well...everything.The second is Ghost Ride by Marina Cohen. It was short but full of suspense and a spine-chilling story. The writing was very beautifully done as well.
Most disappointing book so far this year would have to be Firelight by Sophie Jordan. (I see you all out there and don't give me that look.) I was expecting something far more original and exciting than what I got. Though the writing was well done, I felt the characters were a bit mediocre, the romance fell flat, and the plot ended up being more about Jacinda adjusting to a new school and life than about her and the Draki pride. I just expected to love and adore this book and only ended up liking it a little instead of even a lot.
3. Are followers important to you? Are you always aware of how many you have and do you ever set goals for how many followers you'd like to have or are you more relaxed?
I do pay very close attention to my follower count and feel followers are important to me. Whenever I lose a follower it kinda breaks my heart because you don't really have any way of knowing why they left. Then I get over it and just tell myself that I must just be too much awesome for them to handle. lol. Just kidding. Truth is, sometimes we bloggers do nothing wrong and people just leave our blogs anyway. That being said, I also do a happy dance every time I gain a follower because I love all you guys so much and appreciate the fact that you care about what I have to say! *hugs* I also always have a goal as I feel goals are what keep you striving to do better. Since I recently hit 750, my next goal is 800.
4. Are you one of these super organised people who writes their posts ahead of time and schedule them for the week or do you just post as and when you have time to write things?
Honestly it's a combination for me. At one time a few weeks a go I had about nine posts scheduled. I used to be bad about typing posts the day before or the same day as I planned to post them. But back in August, something changed. My gran died and maybe it was the stress that sent me into a post typing overload. Now I practically always have posts typed and scheduled ahead of time except for those occasional spur of the moment things or IMM which you can't really do ahead of time.
5. What kind of covers appeal to you? Do you like subtle, unimposing covers or do you prefer them garish and glittery? What are a few of your favourite covers?
I am a total cover whore and my taste in covers is very eclectic. Some of my favorite covers are: Her and Me and You by Lauren Strasnick; A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler; Harmonic Feedback by Tara Kelly; Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick; Steel by Carrie Vaughn; Montacute House by Lucy Jago. You can find a list of all my favorite covers HERE.
6. What are a few of your blog aspirations for the next few months? Do you want to hit a certain amount of followers or post a certain number of reviews?
Well let's see. By the end of the year I'm hoping to have maybe around 900 followers. I know, that's really ambitious since that means I'll need 150 more but we will see. I am also hoping to maybe post about 20-25 more reviews by the end of the year but I plan on reading way more books than that, I'll just have reviews of books I read this year end up posting beginning of next year since I don't like overcrowding my posts.
7. Do you do your own graphics for your blog? If not, where do you get your backgrounds, etc from? Are you good at HTML or do you find the whole thing to be a bit of a pain?
My blog is kind of a mixed bag of my own stuff and stuff from websites. My background came from a website called Pyzam and is the same one I've always had. My official blog button was created with a picture from photobucket and I just added The Book Pixie. Now, my header, page buttons, and post signature were all created by me using one of my own photographs. HTML can be a bit of a pain but I'm good with the easier stuff and some of the moderate as well. Some of my HTML I've done on my own and some I've had help with from other bloggers.
8. Do you normally request books you want to review or do you wait to be approached? How long had you been blogging before you requested a book/were approached about reviewing a book?
Ok so about 95% of the time I just wait to be approached because I have too many review books and would feel guilty for requesting them. The only book I've requested lately has been from Holt InGroup. The story of how I got my first review book is a tad embarressing. When I started blogging, I was very anxious and overly eager to start reviewing for people and had already gotten quite a few old reviews posted with most everything situated. A week or two into blogging, there was one book in particular that I was dying to read and I was so bold, and stupid, as to email the author. The book was Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle. She was very nice and polite and told me that once I'd been blogging atleast a month and/or had 50 followers, to email her again. It took me about a month exactly to get 50 followers and I emailed her back. She was impressed with my progress and thus, my first review book.
9. How do you organise your books? Alphabetically or by genre/TBR list? Or do you just throw them onto the shelves and hope for the best?
My books are first organized by format. My hardcovers are together, then my paperbacks, then my massmarkets. Then each format section is arranged alphabetically by authors' last names. Then books by the same author are organized by publication year, oldest to newest. I'm thinking of reintegrating my hardcovers with my regular paperbacks but still plan to keep the massmarkets seperate. XD
10. What are your other passions besides books?
I have one other very significant passion, one that just might overide my passion for books. I am an amateur photographer. I first became interested in photography a little over four years ago but only became really serious about it around three years ago. I have both a Facebook page and website, Briana McNair Photography, for my work if anyone would like to check it out.
11. What's your opinion of Twitter and what changes do you think it's made to blogging?
I absolutely love twitter and feel it is one of the ultimate tools to getting the word out about your blog, posts, and contests. I know a lot of my followers I've probably got from twitter from where either I tweeted about my blog or someone else did and I've found several new blogs to follow thanks to twitter. Plus, it makes it easy for me to chat with some of my blog buddies, author friends, and readers because while we may not share an IM messaging program, we practically all have a twitter. And it's a great way of staying up to date on bookish news. My twitter name is @thebookpixie
12. What exciting things do you have coming up on your blog that we can look out for?
Well I don't know about exciting really. I'll be turning 18 in November so I'll probably do something pretty big in celebration of that. Also, I got some great 2011 titles that I plan on reviewing soon and there will definitely be other contests.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
In My Mailbox (16)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Awesome Contests Ending Soon (Part 1)
Review: Running on the Cracks
Running on the Cracks by Julia Donaldson
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pub. Date: September 15th
Pages: 224
Age Level: YA
Leo’s running from her past. Finlay’s running into trouble. Together, they stumble into a crazy new world of secrets, lies, and Chinese food.
But someone is on Leo’s trail . . .
Eccentric, unforgettable characters and genuine, heart-pounding suspense make for a stunning combination as celebrated author Julia Donaldson expands her talents in her first novel for young adults.
I must say that this book really surprised me. When I got the email from Holt InGroup, I recognized the book, from where I can't remember, and it sounded good so I requested it. However, I didn't really have any expectataions for it. Especially considering Julia Donaldson wrote only children's books before this. So I was, of course, astonished by the immediate attachment I developed with this book.
Running on the Cracks was quirky and suspenseful but also heartfelt and touching. I definitely have to agree with the back of the book when it refers to the characters as eccentric and unforgettable. I just absolutely loved them. Leo was an intelligent and realistic character who was easy to relate to. Finlay was funny in a sweet innocent kind of way and a terrific friend to Leo. Then there is Mary, whom you can't help but have a soft spot for.
This book was very well written and I felt pulled in from the very first page. I loved the alternating perspectives and found it interesting how Julia wrote Leo in first person and Finlay in third person. The funny thing is that I didn't even notice this until I was well into the book.
The ending was excellent. I had an idea of how things would probably end but Julia still had one more surprise for me.
Running on the Cracks is a very unique and memorable book. A gripping plot, intriguing characters, and well crafted writing make this book a stunning debut YA novel from Julia Donaldson. This is definitely a favorite and I hope to see more YA books from her in the future. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. So if you haven't read it, I highly suggest that you do.
Characters: A+
Writing: A-
Plot: A
Ending: A
Cover: A-
Recommendable: A+
Overall: A
Buy this book:
Barnes and Noble
The Book Depository
P.S. To save a little money, don't forget to use an Overstock coupon.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Review: Give Up the Ghost
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pub. Date: September 15th, 2009
Pages: 256
Age Level: 14+
Cass McKenna much prefers ghosts to 'breathers.' Ghosts are uncomplicated and dependable. They know the dirt on everybody . . . and Cass loves dirt.
She's on a mission to expose the dirty secrets of all of the poseurs in her school. But when the vice president of the student council discovers her secret, Cass's whole scheme hangs in the balance. Tim wants her help to contact his recently deceased mother, but Cass is less than enthusiastic.
Kicking and screaming, Cass becomes increasingly entwined in Tim's life. And she's more surprised than anyone when she realizes that maybe some living people aren't so bad if she'd only give them a chance.
My first thought when I began reading this book was,"Oh my gosh, Cass sounds just like me!" This isn't exactly a good thing, the whole I don't give a darn attitude. Though it worked for her as a character. I also later discovered we actually had a lot in common. I know all to well what it feels like to be betrayed by someone you thought was your friend. In the end, Cass was a witty, realistic, and relateable character whom I really enjoyed. Her relationship with her mom and how it changed was a touching element addition to this book.
As for Tim, well I just liked him okay. I know his mother died, but he seemed too whiny and a little selfish. I don't know, I just didn't really care for him. He didn't seem to develop much through out the story either. However I really liked the ghosts. They may have only been minor characters but they were funny and entertaining. And Danielle, well she just didn't make since to me.
In general, I thought Give Up the Ghost had an original plot that grabbed my attention, though I sometimes felt that there was something missing. Though the book had a paranormal aspect to it, the book wasn't centered around it. I found it was more character driven and I liked that. It was fast paced without being rushed and the ending fit well. Though I was disappointed to see that, unlike Cass, Tim hadn't really changed much since the beginning.
I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick and enjoyable read. I probably will eventually re-read it and I would definitely like to get my ARC replaced with a finished copy. :P
Characters: B
Writing: B-
Plot: B
Ending: B-
Cover: B-
Recommendable: B
Overall: B-
Waiting on Wednesday
This book sounds absolutely amazing! I have heard some amazing things about Going Too Far which I own but haven't read. I know shame on me. XD If this is too be the background image for the actual cover then it is gorgeous.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Today's teaser is from Running on the Cracks by Julia Donaldson
Teaser (pg.141):
"Well, it's your fault, Mum. You shouldn't be so good at English!"
Teaser Tuesday is brought to us by Should be Reading.
1) Grab your current read
2) Open to a random page
3) Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4) BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
So far, I'm quite enjoying this book, to my surprise really. I may even buy myself a finished copy.
Borders (Don't forget your Borders coupon codes)
Barnes and Noble
Book Depository
Author website:
Julia Donaldson
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Blog Tour: Dreaming Anastasia Review
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Pub. Date: Spetember 1, 2009
Pages: 320
Age Level: YA
What really happened to Anastasia Romanov?
Anastasia Romanov thought she would never feel more alone than when the gunfire started and her family began to fall around her. Surely the bullets would come for her next. But they didn't. Instead, two gnarled old hands reached for her. When she wakes up she discovers that she is in the ancient hut of the witch Baba Yaga, and that some things are worse than being dead.
In modern-day Chicago, Anne doesn't know much about Russian history. She is more concerned about getting into a good college—until the dreams start. She is somewhere else. She is someone else. And she is sharing a small room with a very old woman. The vivid dreams startle her, but not until a handsome stranger offers to explain them does she realize her life is going to change forever. She is the only one who can save Anastasia. But, Anastasia is having her own dreams…
Dreaming Anastasia was a captivating novel that kept me on the edge, wondering what was going to happen next. The story was a perfect combination of fantasy/folklore and history. At times, some of the motives for things seemed a little unclear or confusing but it all seemed to work itself out. The Romanov family is a great interest of mine so I was very glad to be able to read this book. (I found myself putting down the book to go look up Russian laquer boxes on my computer so I could see what they looked like. I think I'm going to start collecting them.)
I enjoyed the characters and loved getting to read the different point of views. I felt that this element made the book even better. I thought the relationship and level of trust between Anne and Ethan was practical and well developed. It wasn't something that was just, BAM, there.
As far as the ending is concerned, I can't help but wonder what is going to happen with Ethan and Anne. Other than that I thought it was a suitable and well rounded ending.
All in all, I think Dreaming Anastasia is an engrossing, thrilling read that anyone could enjoy. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly suggest that you do.
Characters: B+
Writing: B
Plot: B+
Ending: B
Cover: A
Recommendable: B+
Overall: B+
I would now like to take a brief moment to apologize to Joy and everyone else for being late posting this review. As most of you know, there was a death in my family. I fell behind and things just got out of hand there for a while. Plus I was busy with other stuff as well. Still, I'm sorry and hope you will all forgive me.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
In My Mailbox (15)
~Impossible by Nancy Werlin
~ Signed! The Family Bones by Kimberly Raiser and a couple bookmarks (Won at Bookworming in the 21st Century)

Sandy, you should be receiving an email very soon. You will have 48 hours to reply or I will have to choose another winner. Again, Congrats! :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Great Find
I have noticed that when most people buy books online, they always shop at the really big well known websites. For example: Borders, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, etc. Truth be told, on the rare ocassion that I purchase books online, those are the places I get mine. However, I got to looking around on the internet and stumbled across something I thought ya'll might be interested in.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
200 Followers Contest (CLOSED!!!)
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble
What really happened to Anastasia Romanov? Anastasia Romanov thought she would never feel more alone than when the gunfire started and her family began to fall around her. Surely the bullets would come for her next. But they didn't. Instead, two gnarled old hands reached for her. When she wakes up she discovers that she is in the ancient hut of the witch Baba Yaga, and that some things are worse than being dead. In modern-day Chicago, Anne doesn't know much about Russian history. She is more concerned about getting into a good college - until the dreams start. She is somewhere else. She is someone else. And she is sharing a small room with a very old woman. The vivid dreams startle her, but not until a handsome stranger offers to explain them does she realize her life is going to change forever. She is the only one who can save Anastasia. But, Anastasia is having her own dreams.
Contest details:
~One lucky winner will win a copy of Dreaming Anastasia and a SIGNED Poster!
How to Enter(required):
~Leave a comment with a valid e-mail address. No e-mail address, no entry. (If you are uncomfortable leaving your e-mail in a comment, then e-mail it to me.)
~This contest is for followers only. If you don't follow my blog and want to enter, then look to your left and click that cute little button that says 'Follow'. :P
~Please leave all entries in ONE comment.
Extra entries:
+1 New followers
+2 Old followers (if you were following before this post)
+1 Follow my photography blog, From Briana's Point of View
+1 Linking to my contest on your blog, twitter, etc. MUST INCLUDE LINKS (up to 5)
+3 For posting about my contest on your blog. (Must be actual post)
+4 Add my blog button on your blog.
This contest is open only to the US and Canada! It will end October 2nd at 11:59 pm Eastern time. Winner will be annoucnced October 3rd. The winner's information will be forwarded to the publisher. Good luck and happy entering!
An Apology And A Couple Updates
I would just like to say I'm sorry for my inactivity as of late. I became very busy last week and then my great aunt passed away on Friday so the majority of my time has been spent away from home and a computer. I hope to have two new reviews up this week and I'll be posting a contest in honor of my 200 followers later today. With any luck, things will return to normal very soon.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
8th Anniversary of 9-11

Book News: Cover alerts!
Also, the cover for Some Girls Are has been revealed.
Climbing to the top of the social ladder is hard--falling from it is even harder. Regina Afton used to be a member of the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique both feared and revered by the students at Hallowell High... until vicious rumors about her and her best friend's boyfriend start going around.
Now Regina's been "frozen out" and her ex-best friends are out for revenge. If Regina was guilty, it would be one thing, but the rumors are far from the terrifying truth and the bullying is getting more intense by the day. She takes solace in the company of Michael Hayden, a misfit with a tragic past who she herself used to bully. Friendship doesn't come easily for these onetime enemies, and as Regina works hard to make amends for her past, she realizes Michael could be more than just a friend... if threats from the Fearsome Foursome don't break them both first.
Tensions grow and the abuse worsens as the final days of senior year march toward an explosive conclusion in this dark new tale from the author of Cracked Up To Be.
Personally, I love this cover. I like the simple font and the picture fits very well with the premise of the book.
To Preorder The Mark or Some Girls Are click one of the links below:
Amazon (TM) - Amazon (SGA)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
For trade: Dreaming Anastasia ARC and Paperback of Suite Scarlett
I now have a finished copy of Dreaming Anastasia so I'm willing to trade my ARC! I'll even throw in some swag. Email me if interested. Here are some books I'd really love to get. I may consider others but these I really want. I also have a spare paperback of Suite Scarlett.
The Stolen One
The Princess and the Hound
Radiant Darkness
Nobody's Princess
Jumping Off Swings
A Sweet Disorder
The Red Queen's Daughter
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
The Swan Kingdom
I am Rembrandt's Daughter
Magic Study
Guitar Girl
Sisters in Sanity
Cracked Up to Be
My Soul to Take
Waiting on Wednesday
The Returners by Gemma Malley
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children's Books
Release Date: Feburary 1, 2010
Pages: 320
Age Level: YA
Will Hodge's life is a mess! His mother is dead, he has no friends and he thinks he is being followed by a strange group of people who tell him they know him. But Will can't remember them first. And when he does he doesn't like what he can remember. While Will is struggling with unsettling memories, he learns that his past is a lot deeper than many people's, and he has to find out if he is strong enough to break links with the powerful hold that history has on him. This compelling novel, set in alternate future, challenges readers to consider the role we all have to play in making our society, and asks how much we are prepared to stand up for what's right.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Review: Bewitching Season
Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pub. Date: April 29, 2008
Pages: 352
Age Level: YA
In 1837 London, young daughters of viscounts pined for handsome, titled husbands, not careers. And certainly not careers in magic. At least, most of them didn't.
Shy, studious Persephone Leland would far rather devote herself to her secret magic studies than enter society and look for a suitable husband. But right as the inevitable season for "coming out" is about to begin, Persy and her twin sister discover that their governess in magic has been kidnapped as part of a plot to gain control of the soon-to-be Queen Victoria. Racing through Mayfair ballrooms and royal palaces, the sisters overcome bad millinery, shady royal spinsters, and a mysterious Irish wizard. And along the way, Persy learns that husband hunting isn't such an odious task after all, if you can find the right quarry.
A combination of historical fiction, fantasy and a touch of romance, Bewitching Season is the enchanting and magical debut novel of a very promising author. Marissa Doyle expertly intertwined various elements and side stories into one great and wonderful read. I was hooked on this book from the very first sentence, which, by the way, must be one of the best opening lines into a book that I’ve ever happened across.
“My God, Persy, you killed him!” (pg.1)
I must say, I absolutely adored the characters. I really don’t think I could have asked or expected any more from them. The twins were very likeable, realistic heroines. That is, as realistic as you can be when you know and practice magic. Even though I loved the sisters, I feel it was their little brother Charles who really added that extra something to the book. The other characters were believable and well developed.
As some of you may know, having heard me mention this in past reviews, I’m not a fan of third person narration. However, Doyle wrote Bewitching Season so beautifully and in such a way, allowing me to acquire and maintain a close connection with the characters, that I wasn’t in the least bit bothered by it. Magic aside, this story and its setting had a very authentic feel to it, making it obvious that Marissa Doyle definitely did her research on the time period. One thing I would have liked to have seen, however, would have been a better glimpse into what was happening with Ally, the governess, during the story. I was teased with a couple of scenes from her perspective and was left wanting more.
The ending was so nicely tied up that Bewitching Season could have easily been a stand-alone title. However, I still would have always wondered what went on to happen to the characters so I’m very pleased the author wrote a second book.
Bewitching Season is a great, entertaining novel and I am so glad to have had the pleasure of reading it. Saying that I can’t wait to read Betraying Season would be a bit of an understatement as I have already started it. I will definitely be reading this book again in the future. So if you happen to be a fan of historical fiction or fantasy, run, don‘t walk, to your nearest bookstore or library and get this book.
Characters: A-
Writing: B+
Plot: A-
Ending: B+
Cover: A-
Recommendable: A-
Series: A
Overall: A-

Teaser Tuesday
This week's teaser tuesday is from Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle.
Teaser (pg. 47):
"Do you want me to poke it?" Pen took the fork and examined it dubiously.
Teaser Tuesday is brought to us by Should be Reading.
1) Grab your current read
2) Open to a random page
3) Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4) BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Monday, September 7, 2009
R U Kidding Me?!!! (Twilight fanatics, avert your eyes. This could get ugly.)

Can you resist the allure of Edward’s myriad charms—his ochre eyes and tousled hair, the cadence of his speech, his chiseled alabaster skin, and his gratuitous charm? Will you hunt surreptitiously and tolerate the ceaseless deluge in Forks to evade the sun and uphold the facade? Join Edward and Bella as you learn more than 600 vocabulary words to improve your score on the *SAT, ACT®, GED®, and SSAT® exams!
What is the world coming to when the only way you can get a college bound student to study vocabulary is to tie it in with Twilight? If a student is truly serious about studying for the SAT, or other exams, then why not just get a study book from College Board or something? Or better yet, ask your counseler if they have a list of vocabulary words that they can give you. And please don't give me the excuse that this 'Defining Twilight' book would be more 'fun'.

The world has totally and completely lost it. Sorry but I had to get this out. I realize I'll probably get some nasty little comments for this post but hey, it is a free country and it is my blog. I'll post what I want. I don't expect you all to share my views no more then you should expect that of me.
Have a happy Labor Day! :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
In My Mailbox (14)
For Review
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.
A Winner Has Been Chosen

About Me

- ~The Book Pixie
- Georgia, United States
- Hello all! My name is Briana, I'm 20, and I live in the beautiful state of Georgia. I love reading and photography.
My Partner in mean reading. :P
Meet Rudy everyone!