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Coming Soon:
~Review: The Killing Woods
~Review: The Waiting Sky
~Review: A Certain Slant of Light
~Review: Timepiece
~Review: Infinityglass

Saturday, December 31, 2011

In My Mailbox (110)

In My Mailbox
IMM is a weekly meme hosted and created by Kristi at The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

For Review from Little Brown
~Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler & Maira Kalman
~The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

For Review from Henry Holt
~ARC The Edumacation of Jay Baker by Jay Clark

For Review/Giveaway from HarperTeen
~2 ARCs of Slide by Jill Hathaway

Bought for Kindle ($0.99)
~Phoenix Rising by Tee Morris & Pip Ballantine

Gift from Laurie
~The Journeys of John and Julia by Aurelia

Free for Kindle
~Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
~The Legacy of Kilkenny by Devyn Dawson
~Soul Mate by Richard Crawford
~The Book of Deacon by Joseph Lallo
~Asylum by Kristen Selleck
~Untraceable by S.R. Johannes


Yay for awesome books this week! I'm especially looking forward to Phoenix Rising, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and Slide. I'll hopefully be getting a giveaway up for the second ARC of Slide tomorrow so be watching for that. Hope you all got great books in your mailbox this week and Happy New Years Eve everyone.

Friday, December 30, 2011

My Top 10 Most Wanted Books in 2012!

My Top 10 Most Wanted Books in 2012!

Here it is folks, the last day of this awesome event. Today I get to share with you all what books I'm killing dying to get my hands for next year. About half of these are sequels to books I've read. I got to say, it was really hard choosing only 10 books out of the near 200 on my 2012 wishlist but I somehow managed. So here they are, in no particular order:

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pub. Date: February 28th, 2012
Series: Delirium Trilogy, #2
Genre: YA Dystopian
My Review of Delirium

Why I Want this Book:
I fell in love with Delirium when I read it towards the beginning of the year and have been dying to find out what has happened to a certain two characters ever since.

Synopsis via Goodreads
I’m pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.


Wentworth Hall by Abby Grahame
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pub. Date: May 1st, 2012
Genre: YA Histroical Fiction

Why I Want this Book:

I've heard this book pitched as being similar to Downton Abbey. Can I just say I am very much obsessed in love with that show! I also really enjoy books from this time period so I would have added this one anyway. Really looking forward to seeing how good it is.

Synopsis via Goodreads
A lush, historical novel about the secretive Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall!The prettiest people often have the ugliest secrets…

Eighteen-year-old Maggie Darlington has turned into an entirely different person. The once spirited teen is now passive and reserved. A change Lord and Lady Darlington can’t help but be grateful for.

It’s 1912, and the Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall have more than just the extensive grounds to maintain. As one of Britain’s most elite families, they need to keep up appearances that things are as they have always been…even as their carefully constructed faÇade rapidly comes undone.

Maggie has a secret. And she’s not the only one…the handsome groom Michael, the beautiful new French nanny Therese, the Darlingtons’ teenage houseguests Teddy and Jessica, and even Maggie’s younger sister Lila are all hiding something. Passion, betrayal, heartache, and whispered declarations of love take place under the Darlingtons’ massive roof. And one of these secrets has the power to ruin the Darlingtons forever.

When scandalous satires start appearing in the newspaper with details that closely mirror the lives of the Darlingtons, everyone is looking over their shoulder, worrying their scandal will be next. Because at Wentworth Hall, nothing stays secret for long.


A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford
Publisher: Greenwillow
Pub. Date: February 28th, 2012
Series: A Touch Trilogy, #2
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Review of A Touch Mortal

Why I Want this Book:
A Touch Mortal helped me conquer a certain irrational fear back in February of this year and I found the story deliciously dark with wicked humor. Something happened with a character towards the end and I'm anxious to see where things go in A Touch Morbid.

Synopsis via Goodreads
Eden won the battle-she saved her true love from the darkest evil. But the war has only just begun. With secrets swirling around her, powerful allies unraveling, and life-and death-as she knows it eroding, Eden and those she loves tread dangerous ground. Can she trust anyone? Will her unearthly powers be her salvation or her downfall? A sweeping, dark, and sexy paranormal romance that will haunt readers with an inventive mythology and a cinematic New York City filled with shadows and longing.


Crazy Dangerous by Andrew Klavan
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub. Date: May 8th, 2012
Genre: YA

Why I Want this Book:

For starters, I really enjoy male POV's and want to read more YA books with them. Secondly, this sounds like it is going to be a dark and thrilling ride of a book. That premise just has me on tenterhooks waiting for this one. Also, you always hear of the cliche 'preachers's daughter' going bad but this is with a guy and it is the first time I've seen it that way.

Synopsis via Goodreads
"You probably want to hear about Jennifer and the demons and how I played chicken with a freight train and—oh yeah—the weird murder and how I found out about it—you're definitely going to want to hear about that. But first, I have to tell you about the stupidest thing I ever did . . ."

Sam Hopkins is bored with his status as a preacher's kid. So when a group of guys notorious for being in trouble offers him friendship, he accepts. Before long, he has several new skills—including hot-wiring cars.

At school, there's an eccentric loner named Jennifer. When Sam defends her from being bullied, she begins to seek him out as her only friend. Her ramblings often seem illogical . . . but then start to contain grains of truth. One leads Sam to discover that one of his new friends has been killed. And then she tells him, "I'm looking for the devil." Sam doesn't know what that means, but he knows it's a matter of life and death that he figure it out.

Everyone else thinks Jennifer is suffering from schizophrenia. But Sam is starting to wonder if there could be something prophetic in her words. Discovering the truth is going to be both crazy and dangerous.


Endlessly by Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pub. Date: July 24th, 2012
Triology: Paranormalcy, #3
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Reviews of Paranormalcy & Supernaturally

Why I Want this Book:
Paranormalcy was my absolute most favoritest book of 2010. It was just total rockawesomazingness! Supernaturally, while I liked it, definitely had that middle of the road, second in a trilogy feel. I'm hoping Endlessly will come out and be just as amazing as Paranormalcy.

Synopsis via Goodreads
The third book in the Paranormalcy trilogy.

The final chapter of Evie's adventures. Old friends, new ones, all wrapped up in impossible decisions. And some ball gowns. Because what's a life of normal and paranormal drama without a ball gown or two?


Courtship & Curses by Marissa Doyle
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pub. Date: August 7th, 2012
Series: Leland Sisters, #3
Genre: YA Historical/Fantasy-ish
My Reviews of Bewitching Season & Betraying Season

Why I Want this Book:

Marissa Doyle was the first author to send me a book for review when I started blogging. When I read them back in 2009, I loved Bewitching Season and Betraying Season. So I'm obviously looking forward to Courtship & Curses, which follows different characters.

Synopsis via Goodreads
Sophie’s entrance into London society isn’t what she thought it would be: Mama isn’t there to guide her, Papa is buried in his work fighting Napoleon, and Sophie’s newly acquired limp keeps her from dancing at any of those glittering balls. If it weren’t for her shopping escapades with her new French friend Amélie and a flirtation with the dashing Lord Woodbridge, she would think this season a complete disaster.

But when someone uses magic to attack Papa the night of Sophie’s first ball, her problems escalate, especially when it becomes clear that all the members of the War Cabinet are being targeted. Can she catch the culprit and keep her own magic powers hidden long enough to win herself a match?


Timepiece by Myra McEntire
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Pub. Date: June 12th, 2012
Series: Hourglass, #2
Genre: YA Paranormal/Sci-fi
My Review of Hourglass

Why I Want this Book:

I really enjoyed Hourglass and am very excited to see where things head in Timepiece, especially since it is from Kaleb's point of view. Hell to the frikin YEAH BABY!

Synopsis via Goodreads
A threat from the past could destroy the future. And the clock is ticking...

Kaleb Ballard's relentless flirting is interrupted when Jack Landers, the man who tried to murder his father, timeslips in and attacks before disappearing just as quickly. But Kaleb has never before been able to see time travelers, unlike many of his friends associated with the mysterious Hourglass organization. Are Kaleb's powers expanding, or is something very wrong?

Then the Hourglass is issued an ultimatum. Either they find Jack and the research he's stolen on the time gene, or time will be altered with devestating results.

Now Kaleb, Emerson, Michael, and the other Hourglass recruits have no choice but to use their unusual powers to find Jack. But where do they even start? And when? And even if they succeed, it may not be enough...

The follow-up to Hourglass, Timepiece blends the paranormal, science fiction, mystery, and suspense genres into a nonstop thrill ride where every second counts.


Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Publisher: Tor Teen
Pub. Date: August 7th, 2012
Series: Anna, #2
Genre: YA Paranormal/Horror
My Review of Anna Dressed in Blood

Why I Want this Book:

This is another case of a sequel to a book I've read and enjoyed. Love the characters in this and I'm very curious as to what happened to Anna. Can't wait to read this one.

Synopsis via Goodreads
In this follow-up to Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas begins seeing Anna everywhere: sometimes when he’s asleep, and sometimes in waking nightmares. But something is very wrong. These aren’t just daydreams. Anna seems tortured, torn apart in new and ever more gruesome ways every time she appears.

Cas doesn’t know what happened to Anna when she disappeared into Hell, but he knows she doesn’t deserve whatever is happening to her now. Anna saved Cas more than once, and it’s time for him to return the favor.


Violins of Autumn by Amy McAuley
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Pub. Date: June 19th, 2012
Genre: YA Historical Fiction

Why I Want this Book:

I not only love historical fiction and war books, but I really love when the two come together. Add in the fact that it is YA and WWII and I'm practically drooling on my keyboard. *wipes away slobber*

Synopsis via Goodreads
Go behind enemy lines during World War II in this tale of romance and espionage...

Betty, an American teenager living in Britain, is determined to contribute to the cause when the Germans begin bombing London in World War II. Instead of collecting scrap metal or running air raid drills like most girls her age, Betty lies about her age and trains to become a spy and member of the Special Operations Executive. Now known by her secret agent persona, Adele Blanchard, she soon finds herself parachuting over German-occupied France in the dark of night to join the secret Resistance movement.

Adele's missions in Paris and throughout the French countryside delivering top-secret messages, lead to several close calls with the Gestapo, but it's when she crosses paths with a young American pilot that Adele fully realizes the brutality of this war and the seriousness of her circumstances. Plus her changing feelings for this pilot are as uncertain as their future. Can Adele elude the Gestapo long enough to enjoy the future they are trying to protect.


Something Like Normal by Trish Doller
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pub. Date: June 19th, 2012
Genre: YA Contemporary

Why I Want this Book:

A contemporary YA book about a soldier back from war? Yes, please! I just know this is going to be an amazing book and it sounds like something that is right up my alley. Can't wait!

Synopsis via Goodreads
A powerful debut novel about a young Marine's return home from Afghanistan and the new life and love he finds while fending off the ghosts of war.

When Travis Stephenson returns home from Afghanistan, his parents are on the brink of divorce, his brother has stolen his girlfriend and his car, and nightmares of his best friend getting killed keep him completely spooked. But when he runs into Harper Gray, a girl who despises him for trashing her reputation with a middle school lie, life actually starts looking up. As Travis and Harper see more of each other, he starts falling for her and a way through the family meltdown, the post-traumatic stress, and the possibility of an interesting future begins to emerge.

His sense of humor, sense of his own strength, and incredible sense of honor make Travis an irresistible and eminently lovable hero in this fantastic and timely debut novel.


And because I can't NOT mention these...

My Top 5 Most Wanted without Covers

1. The Hour of Dreams by Shelena Shorts
2. Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans
3. Personal Effects by E.M. Kokie
4. Velveteen by Daniel Marks
5. Crewl by Gennifer Albin


So those are just a few of the books I've got my knickers in a knot for in 2012. There is so much coming out next year that it is a bit overwhelming, but I'm embracing it all with arms wide open and plans to swan-dive into the awesomeness!

Here's to 2012!

toast gifs Pictures, Images and Photos

Indie Ebook Giveaway: Golden Blood & Black Blood!

Golden Blood by Melissa Pearl
Publisher: Self
Pub. Date: November 4th, 2011
Series: Time Spirit Trilogy, #1
Age Level: YA

Synopsis via Goodreads
Gemma Hart never knows when her father is going to whisk her back in time. Her toes start tingling and she has a few minutes to find a secret haven where she can disintegrate and appear in another time and place. While “across the line,” her training and skills are put to the test as she completes a mission that will change history for the lucky few her father has selected.

Gemma's parents are adamant that secrecy is paramount to her family’s safety. If people knew what they were capable of, they could be "used and abused", as her mother always says. Afraid she might accidentally utter the truth and break the ancient oath of her people, Gemma spends her school days as a loner. Only one thing can throw her sheltered life askew... Harrison Granger.

Harrison never expected to talk to the strange Hart girl, but after a brief encounter he can't stop thinking about her. He begins a campaign to chisel away her icy veneer and is met with unexpected consequences. As he slowly wins this girl over, he enters a surreal world that has him fighting to keep his newfound love and his life.


Contest Details
Thanks to Melissa, three people will win Smashwords coupons to receive both Golden Blood and its sequel, Black Blood, for free! Smashwords offers a wide variety of formats for ebooks, including those for kindle and nook.

~Comments are appreciated but you must fill out the form to enter.
~Open Internationally!
~Must be 13 or older to enter.
~Giveaway ends at Noon on January 7th.
~Winners will be chosen shortly after as I leave for college the next day.

Extra Entries:
You can earn +2 by tweeting this giveaway. Please include @thebookpixie and @MelissaPearlG

Fill Out this Form to Enter

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cover Reveal: Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent!

Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent
Harlequin Teen
June 26th, 2012
Soul Screamers, #6


So I just saw the cover for the newest book in the Soul Screamers series posted by Harlequin Teen on Facebook and couldn't help but share it with y'all. What do you think. Personally, I think pink has never been so pretty! lol. Absolutely gorgeous!

My Top 10 Characters of 2011!

My Top 10 Characters of 2011

So it is time to post my Top 10 characters and I decided to break things up. Instead of doing all 10 characters from one category, I'll be showcasing my Top 2 favorite villains, my Top 3 favorite supporting characters, and my Top 5 favorite protagonists. I wanted to list a variety of characters and thought this was the best way to do it. So here they are:


My Top 2 Villains


My Thoughts:
From the very beginning, there was something I liked about Warner. Well, as much as you can like an evil villain. He's bad, that's for sure, and twisted and sick but I got the feeling that somewhere, deep down in the darkest recesses of his stone cold heart, he really did start to love Juliette in his own perverse way. I also found his attitude and way of putting things very amusing. I can't wait to see where Mafi takes his character from here.


From My Review:
"Luke is a massive, blazing ball of pure smoldering evil. The dude is seriously wicked and I can't even begin to express how glad I am to see a villain who actually emanates the evil he's meant too. Not sure what the deal is with some of these pansies I've been coming across lately."

Noteworthy Passage from Luke:
"Just because I don't know how to work a toy, doesn't mean I don't want it in my toy box. She's shiny."


Top 3 Supporting Characters


From My Review:
"Then we have Deacon, Oona's tried and true wizard's companion, as well as her rival for my favorite character. Did I mention he's a talking raven? Yep, that's him on her shoulder in the cover. Deacon is a little know-it-all; I say this in the most adoring way possible since he really does know it all, thanks to a little magic. He also has this dry, matter-of-fact style of humor that I absolutely loved, rounding him off as a most memorable and unique character."


From My Review:
"My brain tells me she's a manipulative, heart breaker who will do whatever it takes to accomplish what she wants and who takes advantage of her sister's loyalty. On the other hand, my heart tells me this girl is somehow special and it's obvious she loves her sister with all her heart. From the moment she was born Ruby saw Chloe as her's and she knew that she was the only person in the world she could really trust and count on. As much as Ruby worked her 'magic' to get people to do her own bidding, she would do anything for her little sister. Part of me couldn't help feeling that I should dislike these two girls, but I found myself loving and caring for them, wanting things to work out in the end. Their relationship was somewhat twisted, but it was also one of the strongest and truest bonds of sisterhood I've ever seen, a bond where blood really is thicker than water."

Noteworthy Passage from Ruby/Chloe:
"Hmmmph. What happened to that girl could never ever happen to you. Like I said, I wouldn't let it."
I'd turned away from her here, somehow, on that narrow bed stuffed up over the wheel, the compartment so small our four feet were hanging off the end. But she wasn't letting me stay turned away; she wasn't letting me not face her. She wanted me to look at her, to see her mouth as she spoke. She climbed over me, she rolled into me, she did a series of swift jujitsu moves on me that tangled me up in her arms and locked me to her, elbow-to-elbow, one bare foot held fast in the crook of my neck, and then, calmly, hardly even breathing heavy, she said:
"I wouldn't. Let it happen. To you."


From My Review:
" Then we have Kristen, who, quite frankly, is a bitch with some serious attitude, not to mention she's a bit wacko. However, I actually really loved her character, especially when her and Eden were around each other. Listening to the two of them go at it could be quite amusing."

Noteworthy Passage from Kristen & Gabe:
"I know how much you hate doing things out of the kindness of your heart...." He trailed off, waiting.
"It's not that I don't like to. It's just there's not much kindness in there. I save it for special occasions."


Top 5 Protagonists


From My Review:
"Rhine is a strong and determined heroine with an authentic, gripping voice. At times, it felt as though Rhine had escaped from the pages and was, instead, sitting right next to me, telling me her story. Her emotions and motives were tangible and her personality admirable. I connected with her character immediately and that connection only grew as I turned the pages."

Noteworthy Passages from Rhine:
She seems like a wild bird that has been tamed and is surveying its captivity in a daze in which captivity doesn't seem so bad.


From My Review:
"I can't seem to recall ever having connected with a character as completely as I did with Lena. Despite living in a dystopian society, there is so much about this remarkable heroine that I think many teen girls out there will be able to resonate with. Lena has spent her whole life longing for the day when she will be cured. Then she meets Alex and he helps to open her eyes to all the lies surrounding her. I loved watching Lena grow in strength, bravery, and wisdom throughout the book and how it wasn't a sudden development but gradual, detailed, and realistic. Her emotions were so genuine and relatable, something that only brought me even closer to her as a character."

Noteworthy Passage from Lena:
My stomach gets that hollowed out feeling. It's amazing how words can do that, just shred your insides apart. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me--such bullshit.


From My Review:
"To start with, I absolutely loved and adored Emerson. Here are just a couple of brief reasons why. She has a rock awesome name. She's short. Girlfriend has got some serious spunk. As a fellow short person in arms, I'm always delighted to see a strong, feisty heroine with a less than average height. Em has also been through a lot and one of the things that I loved about her was that she didn't simply tough it out and persevere. No, she fell apart first, lost it, and had a long road of pain and healing to get through before she could even begin to feel whole again. After all, isn't that how this stuff is supposed to work? For this, Emerson felt so real and her emotions raw and tangible, a character anyone who's suffered loss, or even a brush with crazy, could relate too. Don't get me wrong, she had her flaws too, such as being stubborn and impulsive, but she was all the better for it."

Noteworthy Passage from Emerson:
"First of all, no one is the boss of me but me. Secondly, if you ever reference 'my chain' again, I will kick your ass." I jabbed him in the chest with my finger. Possibly breaking it. "And thirdly, don't call me Shorty."


From My Review:
"Cas was a lovable male protagonist that I really enjoyed getting to read from the point of view of. His dry, witty humor and strength of character really appealed to me and I thought he developed quite well throughout the story as far as knowing what he wanted and learning that some things aren't what he thought."

Noteworthy Passage from Cas & Anna:
"What was that?" I ask.
She shakes her head. I can't tell whether she's embarrassed or frightened. It looks like both.
"Do you remember what I showed you in the basement?" she asks.
"The tower of dead bodies? No, that slipped my mind. Are you kidding me?"


From My Review:
"Blake was a blunt, realistic, and hilarious riot of a character who's personality rang brilliantly true. I connected with him immediately and even when he would make some not-so-wise decisions, I still couldn't help hoping everything would turn out alright for him in the end."

Noteworthy Passage from Blake:
I think of Gus's angel tattoo, a constant reminder of his loss. I don't need something etched into my skin to remind me. I've got tattoos on my heart.

Honorable Mentions

Sophie (The Pace Series) / Wren (Cold Kiss)


That's my Top 10 characters everyone. Hopefully you discovered someone new here today, like any of us actually need more books on our wish lists. Tomorrow I'll be posting My Top 10 Most Wanted of 2012, so stay tuned for that. And now to return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 10 Book Boyfriends of 2011!

Top 10 Book Boyfriends of 2011

Alright so I'm going to be honest, I both love and hate the guys listed below. Love them because they are all so amazing and awesome. Hate them because they've given me unreasonably high expectations when it comes to guys in 'the real world'. So, in particular order, here they are folks:


From My Review:
"As for Alex, he was everything I could have possibly hoped for and more. He was very wise for his age, not to mention the fact that he was a charming, rebel with a cause. It is so refreshing to see a male romantic interest who stands for something, something worth standing for. Sadly, for all of you, I cloned Alex and replaced him with his clone, Alex 2. As for where I'm keeping the original Alex creation, that's for me to know and for all of you to not find out."



From My Review:
"Then we have Kaleb. Can you say YUM? His connection with Emerson felt more grounded in something substantial, the loss and pain that they've experienced. That and Kaleb has personality and charm in spades, not to mention I felt he was more adequately layered with a perfect balance of flaws and attributes. When he first truly took on his role in the story I was like, "Forget Michael.""

Did I mention the swoonworthy hotsomeness?



From My Review:
"Cas was a lovable male protagonist that I really enjoyed getting to read from the point of view of. His dry, witty humor and strength of charcter really appealed to me and I thought he developed quite well throughout the story as far as knowing what he wanted and learning that some things aren't what he thought."



From My Review:
"Next up we have Luke. *swoon* To me, he is the ultimate romantic interest, especially in comparison to some of the ones I've happened across lately. He's sweet, caring, charming, and he has a secret but not in the cliched way a lot of love interests have secrets these days. I'll confess, I did suspect what he was hiding but it was the backstory that really secured my love for him."



My Thoughts:
So Adam's a pretty smexy guy and what I really liked when it came to the romance between him and Juliette was how long they had known each other, so the romance didn't just come from thin air. They had history. The more the story went on the more I learned about Adam and the more I grew to love him. He was a very strong, brave, and determined character.


(We've been in a relationship for 3 books!)

From My Reviews of The Pace & The Broken Lake:
"Wes was so original and I absolutely loved him! He was the perfect romantic interest for this book."

"The same goes for Wes whom I just fell even more in love with than before and his personality really seemed to develop more. And as far as the pairing of Sophie and Wes as a couple goes, I think they are perfect together. What I love so much about the two of them is how they both need and look after each other instead of one always being the hero; both of them are strong and vulnerable in their own ways and I feel they compliment each other very well."



My Thoughts:
So it has been a little while since I read this book and since I never wrote a review, I don't really remember all that much. I do, however, remember loving Noah like crazy and wanting to snatch him out of the book and claim him for my own.



My Thoughts:
So yeah I finally read The Hunger Games and I sadly don't have a review for this one either. Peeta could be a bit moody but I loved how he was always there for Katniss, and with the best of intentions.



From My Review:
"Joe was the perfect romantic interest and I can definitely see where the attraction to him was. He's funny, talented, and infinitely charming. Joe, however, was not without some small flaws which helped keep him believable so as not to come off as that too-good-to-be-true kinda guy."



From My Review:
"Next we have Gabriel and I absolutely adored him. He was sweet, funny and really wanted to help Wren, even after he realized what she'd done. The romance between them was so heart-warming and I was left wanting more of it."


So those are my men of 2011. I keep them chained up in a closet so I can pick and choose which one I want, whenever I want. I'm curious to see which guys I'll be adding to my collection next year. Muahahahahaha! *crazed look in eyes*

Waiting on Wednesday: Violins of Autumn!

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Viloins of Autumn by Amy McAuley
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Pub. Date: June 19th, 2012
Pages: 336
Age Level: YA

Synopsis via Goodreads
Go behind enemy lines during World War II in this tale of romance and espionage...

Betty, an American teenager living in Britain, is determined to contribute to the cause when the Germans begin bombing London in World War II. Instead of collecting scrap metal or running air raid drills like most girls her age, Betty lies about her age and trains to become a spy and member of the Special Operations Executive. Now known by her secret agent persona, Adele Blanchard, she soon finds herself parachuting over German-occupied France in the dark of night to join the secret Resistance movement.

Adele's missions in Paris and throughout the French countryside delivering top-secret messages, lead to several close calls with the Gestapo, but it's when she crosses paths with a young American pilot that Adele fully realizes the brutality of this war and the seriousness of her circumstances. Plus her changing feelings for this pilot are as uncertain as their future. Can Adele elude the Gestapo long enough to enjoy the future they are trying to protect?


Okay so once upon a time I used to do Waiting on Wednesday, but then I stopped. Now that I'm in college and could, quite frankly, use some easy posts, I've decided to start doing it again. Now about the book I picked. For those of you who weren't aware, I'm a total sucker for a good WWII book and I'm glad to see more of this time period coming into the YA historical fiction genre. This and another, Code Name Verity, are two I'm really looking forward to and I can't wait for them to release. Violins of Autumn sounds like a book I'm going to absolutely love and the cover is gorgeous!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Top 10 Indie Book Covers of 2011!

Top 10 Indie Book Cover of 2011
(In no particular order.)

Mundahlia by R.J. Gonzales
Publisher: Self
Pub. Date: July 26th, 2011
Series: The Mundahlian Era, #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Okay so this cover is just so beautiful. And a few days ago I noticed something about this cover that I never noticed before, a somewhat hidden image. When I finally saw it, it only made me love the cover that much more. Do you see it? I'll give you a clue: Here kitty kitty kitty. The purple and silvery-greys work so well together and I love the hourglass and that elegant font.

Synopsis via Goodreads
When our era ends, theirs begins.

Rini thought going to live with her cousins in the city of Austin, Texas while her parents rekindled their marriage on a four month long cruise, was a step in the right direction. When she makes a new quirky friend, and stumbles upon a handsome young man named Jett in the enveloping forest surrounding her cabin, she thought she was only moving forward. Well, she was wrong.

Jett and his clan appear human, just like anyone else. But take a closer look, and you will see that they are indeed Mundahlians. Legendary hybrid beings with both human and animal qualities that have been kept a heavily guarded secret throughout time—until now. They are taking refuge in our world, fleeing from their hidden homeland of Mundahlia and its aging power-hungry King, who has set up a game between his many children. Whoever can bring them back to their world so they can be tried and executed shall receive the crown once he passes.

Upon finding their hide out, Bane, one of the King's sons, and on a hunt to win the crown, sees an opportunity to shatter the blossoming relationship, lure the family back to Mundahlia, and frame Rini for the murder of a Mundahlian—thus, breaking the pact signed long ago with the humans, and reigniting an ancient war for the majority of land and control. A triple deed that will surely earn him the power he craves.

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Every Last Kiss by Courtney Cole
Publisher: Lakehouse Press
Pub. Date: May 2nd, 2011
Series: The Bloodstone Saga, #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Here we have another case of a hidden image that I didn't notice til a while after I first originally saw the cover. And once again, it made me find this cover even more spectacular. Do you see it? Here's a hint: Eye see you. This cover is so gorgeous, with beautiful gold tones and a layered composition that really pulls you into the cover. Stunning!

Synopsis via Goodreads
What would you do if you held Fate in your hands? 17-year old Macy Lockhart has the weight of the world on her shoulders. For thousands of years, she has been a Keeper in the ancient organization, the Order of the Moirae… and she literally holds fate in her hands. But this is something that she forgets because her memories are wiped clean in every life until it is time for her cycle to start again. For the last two thousand years, this has never been a problem. Until now. And now…Fate, the very thing that Macy was born to keep, is being challenged and she has only one choice: To return to a previous life to fix it; a life where she was Cleopatra’s handmaiden, Charmian. And that’s not all. Unless she interferes with the fabric of time, the very thing she has returned to repair, her soul mate will die leading Marc Antony’s forces against Rome. Can she really stand aside and allow the love of her life to die all over again?

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Rippler by Cidney Swanson
Publisher: Williams
Pub. Date: June 15th, 2011
Series: Ripple #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Here we have some super pretty shades of blue and purple with an ever so slight and subtle hue of pink. There is something both relaxing and exhilarating about this cover. The font is very elegant and I love that you can see the rocks underneath the water, which adds some dimension. Very beautiful and eye-catching!

Synopsis via Goodreads
Samantha Ruiz has a freak gene that makes her turn invisible, or ripple. She can’t control it, and it’s getting worse. Afraid of becoming a lab-rat, Sam keeps her ability secret, until fellow runner Will Baker sees her vanish into thin air. Will promises secrecy and help, and Sam begins to fall in love. Together, the two discover there are worse things than being a scientific curiosity. Someone’s been killing people who possess Sam's gene. A mysterious man from France sends letters that offer hope for safety, but also reveal a sinister connection with Nazi experiments. The more time Sam spends with Will, the less she can imagine life without him. When Sam uncovers secrets from her past, she must choose between keeping Will in her life or keeping Will safe.

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Don't Fear the Reaper by Michelle Muto
Publisher: Dreamscapes, Inc
Pub. Date: September 23rd, 2011
Series: Netherworld #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Eerie. Haunting. Deliciously creepy. These are all words I'd use to describe this cover. It's ominous awesomeness! (Say that five times fast.)

Synopsis via Goodreads
Grief-stricken by the murder of her twin, Keely Morrison is convinced suicide is her ticket to eternal peace and a chance to reunite with her sister. When Keely succeeds in taking her own life, she discovers death isn’t at all what she expected. Instead, she’s trapped in a netherworld on Earth and her only hope for reconnecting with her sister and navigating the afterlife is a bounty-hunting reaper and a sardonic, possibly unscrupulous, demon. But when the demon offers Keely her greatest temptation—revenge on her sister’s murderer—she must uncover his motives and determine who she can trust. Because, as Keely soon learns, both reaper and demon are keeping secrets and she fears the worst is true—that her every decision will change how, and with whom, she spends eternity.

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Brightest Kind of Darkness by P.T. Michelle
Publisher: Self
Pub. Date: June 27th, 2011
Series: Brightest Kind of Darkness #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Okay so Autumn is my favorite time of year so it's only natural that I would be drawn to the gorgeous orange and gold tones of the leaves paired with the red of Nara's dress. This is another one of those covers that has a nice depth to it. Also really like the black, floating leaves! At least, I think they're leaves. Anyway.

Synopsis via Goodreads
Nara Collins is an average sixteen-year-old, with one exception: every night she dreams the events of the following day. Due to an incident in her past, Nara avoids using her special gift to change fate…until she dreams a future she can’t ignore.

After Nara prevents a bombing at Blue Ridge High, her ability to see the future starts to fade, while people at school are suddenly being injured at an unusually high rate.

Grappling with her diminishing powers and the need to prevent another disaster, Nara meets Ethan Harris, a mysterious loner who seems to understand her better than anyone. Ethan and Nara forge an irresistible connection, but as their relationship heats up, so do her questions about his dark past.

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Destiny Binds by Tammy Blackwell
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pub. Date: March 3rd, 2011
Trilogy: Timber Wolves #1

Why I Love this Cover:

So I got to admit, the cover this book had before this one was...ugh...not pretty. It was really plain and fake looking. You'll see it when you click the Nook link. So I was delighted to see this new cover, which is I love how there's a mostly dark cover and then an area of light streaming beautifully through the branches of the trees. And then the silhouette of the wolf pulls it all together to make for a very mysterious and stunning cover. The font is awfully darn cool too.

Synopsis via Goodreads
Scout Donovan is a girl who believes in rules, logic, and her lifelong love of Charlie Hagan. Alex Cole believes in destiny, magic, and Scout. When Alex introduces Scout to the world of Shifters, men who change into wolves or coyotes during the full moon and Seers, women who can see your most private thoughts and emotions with a mere touch, the knowledge changes everything and everyone Scout thought she knew.

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Dark Seeker by Taryn Browning
Publisher: Self
Pub. Date: September 27th, 2011
Series: Seeker #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Badass! This cover seriously rocks and has a gritty, sleep-with-one-eye-open-cause-I-can-totally-use-this-dagger look.

Synopsis via Goodreads
For 17-year-old Seeker, Janie Grey, ridding the Baltimore streets of the undead is an inherited duty passed down from her Cherokee ancestors. Seeker Training Lesson #1: Never trust the undead. After her father’s tragic death, Janie creates her own life lesson: Love isn’t worth the risk. Both lessons are easy to follow until she encounters the flawed Kai Sterdam. At first, she believes he is the hybrid she is trained to hunt. But, when he has human traits, she determines she doesn’t know what he is. As Janie’s intrigue over who Kai is pushes her deeper into his mysterious past, she discovers a shocking truth that is even more harrowing than the evil they are up against. It’s a secret Kai wants to keep hidden, especially from Janie.

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Sleepers by Megg Jensen
Publisher: DarkSide Publishing
Pub. Date: July 20th, 2011
Trilogy: The Swarm #1

Why I Love this Cover:

This is another case of a re-covering. Though I didn't have any problems with the old one, this new one is fantastic! I'm not even sure where to start because everything about this cover is so awe-inspiring with its lovely colors, scenery, and, yes, another pretty girl in a dress. The font is gorgeous as well. This is really one of those covers that makes me sit back and go, "Oooooooo! Ahhhhh!"

Synopsis via Goodreads
An adoptee raised in a foreign land, sixteen-year-old Lianne was content with her life as handmaiden to the queen, until a spell cast on her at birth activated. Now she's filled with uncontrollable rage and access to magic she thought had been bled from her people years ago. Even her years of secret training in elite hand-to-hand combat and meditation can’t calm the fires raging inside her.

Her heart is torn between two boys, the one she’s always loved and the one who always ignored her. But when the kingdom threatens to tear itself apart due to rumors surrounding the queen’s alleged affair, who will Lianne protect and who will she destroy?

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Released by Megan Duncan
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pub. Date: April 1st, 2011
Series: Agents of Evil #1

Why I Love this Cover:

One more badass cover for the collection! (I has a new favorite word. Mom will be thrilled! Not.) This is like the indie version of Angelfire when it comes to badass awesomeness in covers. It's creepy and dangerous and I can tell you right now...I would not want to piss that chick off.

Synopsis via Goodreads
After a demon apocalypse kills their parents and everyone they know, 17-year old Abby Phillips, her brother, Carter, and friend, Max flee their home to travel through what has become the wastelands of America. When radio transmissions of a resistance offering shelter and safety cease, Abby is tempted to give up. Struggling to overcome life-threatening obstacles in their dangerous journey, Abby and her companions quickly discover there are much worse things lurking in the dark than they could have ever imagined.

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Exiled by Rashelle Workman
Publisher: Polished Pen Press
Pub. Date: October 3rd, 2011
Series: Immortal Essence #1

Why I Love this Cover:

Okay so this one kind of surprised me by making it to this list. It is just so bizarre, and weird, and crazy, but for some reason it really hooks my attention and I kinda sorta love it in all it's spacey eccentric-ness. Definitely a cover to rival Across the Universe for possessing out-of-this-world-ness.

Synopsis via Goodreads
Stubborn, sixteen-year-old Princess Venus of Kelari wants one thing, to become immortal, that is, until someone exiles her to Earth, kills her irrihunter and takes her family.

Now she wants revenge.

First she’s got to get home. But before she can return to Kelari, the Gods have commanded her to help an arrogant boy named Michael find his soul mate.

Only she doesn't know the first thing about love.

Rather quickly, her inexperience with human emotion is obscured by other matters--alien-controlled psychotic teens that are out to kill her, and a government group that is set on capturing and dissecting her.

Worst of all, Venus will suffer a painful death-by-poisoning, thanks to Earth’s atmosphere, if she remains on the planet longer than one week.

Still, Venus is a Princess and she's got a plan. Surely, with her help, Michael will fall in love with a human.

But time is running out and Michael is falling for the wrong girl--her.

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Aren't those some awesome covers? And they are all on my to-read list. I'll be starting Rippler soon.

Now, I didn't do these seperate from the 'big dogs' because I didn't think they could stand their own, because they most certainly can and all of these are just as good, if not better, in my opinion. I did it because I was having a really tough time picking only ten and so to allow myself to choose more books, I figured I'd do one post for the bigger names and one for the indies. It was for the sake of my sanity and nothing more. With that said, all of these books can be bought for $2.99 or less for Kindle, Nook, and/or through Smashwords.

My Top 10 Book Covers of 2011

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Georgia, United States
Hello all! My name is Briana, I'm 20, and I live in the beautiful state of Georgia. I love reading and photography.

My Partner in mean reading. :P

My Partner in mean reading. :P
Meet Rudy everyone!